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Thinking of getting a Cinewhoop to practice on. Opinions?

Feb 8, 2021
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I continually crash and break by Eachine Wizard so I was thinking of getting the Eachine Cvartar to practice on. It looks a lot less breakable because of the bumpers. Two questions. Do you think its worth getting one? How do I know what reciver to get? I have a Flysky FS-I6 TX already.

As a side note I already practice in Liftoff. Are there any other drones like this that would be worth considering?
I bought an Iflight Green Hornet Cinewoop for the same reason and I regret that decision. I did get to practice with it, I practiced crashing and crashing and chrashing... and repairing. I circled back to it recently and realized that it's harder to fly than my 5" quads.
Since you're asking I would absolutely recommend getting an Emax Tinyhawk Freesyle 2, 1S charger and a mess of batteries. Out of the box it'll be easier to fly and you'll be able to fly it lots of places you can't fly bigger qwads. You can start with the basic rate profile it comes with and speed them up as your skill level improves.

I'm not sure about your TX, the Tinyhawks use Frsky so if you radio doesn't a multi protocol module you might need to install a Flysky receiver it the qwad which would be simple to do. If you decide to go this route let me know and I can walk you through it, it's pretty easy.
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You could try an even smaller option like the Mobula 6. Can order 19000kv motors with the Flysky receiver to match your radio. They will take a ton of abuse. Only $86.

It doesn't look like you can order the cvatar with flysky reciever so you would have to install one separately. Another option might be crossfire but I'm not sure you have a place to install the module on your radio... and you'd have to buy the module and order it with the crossfire receiver.
I continually crash and break by Eachine Wizard so I was thinking of getting the Eachine Cvartar to practice on. It looks a lot less breakable because of the bumpers. Two questions. Do you think its worth getting one? How do I know what reciver to get? I have a Flysky FS-I6 TX already.

As a side note I already practice in Liftoff. Are there any other drones like this that would be worth considering?
The Cvatar is an inexpensive drone but the frame is very thin and will break after a few crashes. It isn't a good practice drone when you plan on crashing alot. A good 3-5in drone with a thick frame and arms is a much better option. A heavier frame will affect the flight characteristics to some degree, but the durability will be worth the tradeoff. The Bandgod 3 or 4 in is very tough and there are many 5in frames that can take a beating. Something like the IFlight Nazgul5 v2 which has 5mm arms and can take many crashes before anything major happens.
Thank you I'll have a look at those. With the RX can I buy any RX that is compatible with my controller and solder it on? I'm getting pretty stuck with which I'll I need and what will work with what
Cinewhoops are not that crash resistant. The ducts are not that tough and they don't fly well. They are good for flying slow without much acro ("cine style") or around people without risk of injuring them.

I recommend getting a durable 5 inch basher (durable enough for crashing) or a 3 inch toothpick (too lightweight to break stuff) for practice.
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Cinewhoops are not that crash resistant. The ducts are not that tough and they don't fly well. They are good for flying slow without much acro ("cine style") or around people without risk of injuring them.

I recommend getting a durable 5 inch basher (durable enough for crashing) or a 3 inch toothpick (too lightweight to break stuff) for practice.
What sort of thing would fit that category? I want to spend about £100-120 which I know is cheap. I also want to use my 4s batteries because money for buying new ones :)

I know MrMund recommended the TinyHawk which looks like a good option. How do I make sure it works with my remote though?
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I think this reciever will work but I'm not a Flysky guy so I'm not 100% sure. I'm sure there's some guys on here who can tell you.
I can walk you through hooking it up.

This is the one I keep seeing. Is it just a case of soldering it onto the correct contacts on the ESC?

FlySky 2.4G 6CH FS-iA6B Receiver PPM Output With iBus Port
It connects to the Flight Controller.
Depending on your FC, you may not have to solder. If you have an appropriate pin header you could just plug in.

I know little about FlySky, but I don't really like the boxy receivers. I'd be tempted to get this one:
Partly because there are several online videos wiring it up.
You're looking for a nano reciever, the size of a small postage stamp

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