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Unable to transmit video feed from TinyHawk2 to DJI RE goggles

The Mavic 2 uses occusync so that is a different thing all together. These goggles use occusync for DJI drones and also have an analog receiver for FPV drones.
Yes, I understand. I just wanted to make sure I could at least get some form of video connection to the RE goggles, but I guess connecting to a Mavic2 does not prove much. I mentioned earlier that I was able to connect with the goggles one time when I first bought them. Since I am so new to FPV I wanted to fly them around my living room for a while to learn how to arm/disarm, the three flight modes, etc. along with binding them to my Taranis. Maybe I did crash them enough to loosen camera wires. Is there any other way to check if the VTX/camera is transmitting a signal? These are my only analog goggles.
I ended up buying a new Tinyhawk2 and it works fine with the DJI RE goggles. The camera wires must have been broken.

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