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Unity Flight Controller for Autonomous Racers


New Member
Nov 12, 2018
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Not sure if this is the correct place to put this, so mods feel free to move it around. Just wanted to share with you guys my attempts to autonomously race a DJI/Ryze Tello around a course. I have already accomplished something similar in the flight simulator kerbal space program, and I'm confident I can apply the same logic to my quad. All of this is done by controlling the yaw/pitch/roll/thrust inputs.

This is the course I would like to complete autonomously. Here I am flying manually using a thrustmaster flight-stick and throttle. You can see the tracking groundwork that is used for the autopilot. Unfortunately the success of this project relies completely on the accuracy of the tellos own tracking.

And finally here is the quad flying itself. This simply flies to a designated point, but I already have code which will daisy chain these points together to get it to fly a course of set points without stopping at each one.

Just thought someone here may find this cool. I just bought a new tello after trashing the first one in testing, so the updates should resume again. Best case scenario is I get multiple quads to race each other, but I'd still be happy with one completing the course. Thanks for checking it out, here is the dev thread with more videos. As a complete side note, I'm looking for a cheap spark or mavik air for development.

Unity Controller for Tello (Autopilot Through an Environment)
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