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VTX TBS Unify - no LEDs - How can I tell if it's working!


Active Member
Jul 3, 2018
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I am helping a friend get his Diatone GT-m3 off the ground. It's working for LOS flying but we're getting nothing from his VTX TBS Unify. It's getting 5v supply OK, but picking nothing up from the goggles and getting nothing from the LEDs, when pushing the button or not. Is it hosed, or are we forgetting some obvious set-up thing!? Thanks!
Something must be wrong, as you can see from the picture the blue led should be lit. I still haven’t finished putting an RX in mine yet, too busy busting all my other stuff up right now, but I powered it up to show the blue led and show the picture. I find that most vTX power up the first time on A1 and that is exactly where I found this one transmitting. IMG_0159.jpg
If you have already verified the power AND ground at the connector that plugs into the Unify, then it sounds like it is broken. If it is new enough I would contact the people you bought it from, maybe they will replace it or the whole quad. If all else failed don't forget that TBS will fix it for free if you send it to them, but it may take months and shipping may be steep, that is why I wait until I have a number of TBS components and send them all at once. It also couldn't hurt to open a support ticket with TBS since they may have some ideas on how to verify it. Good luck!

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