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Lol and welcome to our world once u find it it will never trouble u again it could be anything from everything these guys said sometimes to make it more aggravating it's a component failure ahhhh not an operator error but in ur case I think u have a bad component that would be easy to fix mayb a flight controller or a component that is soldered on top that broke loose   Chk all pads on everything that supp to carry voltage 5v 12v. Then move to mayb boot button is jumped or pushed if it's a button. then try recal motors and esc sin beta  try spinning them up in beta if that works and ur rx in beta shows movement of ur stix then it mayb a burnt part of fc. If u seen smoke then something tried or did burn. I've had a tbs power cube fill the room up with smoke  and work fine next day but that was just grounded to carbon soooo good luck and let us know