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What did i burn out ?

Mar 27, 2017
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I have a Wizard x220 that i have been flying for a couple of days. Come in to land after a short flight today and disarmed the motors just above the ground for the quad to land quite gently onto the floor. Once on the floor i disconnected the XT60 cable then a puff of smoke come out from inside the centre of the quad. My remote controller then lost signal and now it wont re connect, nor will the quad do a full startup sequence when plugged in & won't reconnect to the remote controller.

Does anyone know what i have done here, or need any more information ?

How do you get smoke after you disconnect your battery? If it came from the center it's prob your flight controller. Just look for black marks.
I can't see any black marks on the flight controller , but there is another board underneath (not sure of it's name) which i cant see. Is it possible my 2.4ghz receiver could be of fried as there is grass in there?

When i connect the battery the LEDs on the FlySky FS - iA6B do light up .

Sent from my ONEPLUS A3003 using Tapatalk
If you are lucky, that grass may be shorting something out. Remove the grass and see what happens. It is probably your flight controller like trauma said.

I know you can't see everything there but here is a image

Sent from my ONEPLUS A3003 using Tapatalk
Okay to sumerise to try make this clearer.

- when powered on i get half a startup sequence
- all components 'look' okay with no signs of damage
- i can still plug the drone into the PC and change some settings in beta flight
- LEDs on FC all are working with usb connection but when battery is connected, LEDs are VERY dim on FC
- i get a solid red light on PDB when plugged into battery ( again not sure if that is normal for this )
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Lol and welcome to our world once u find it it will never trouble u again it could be anything from everything these guys said sometimes to make it more aggravating it's a component failure ahhhh not an operator error but in ur case I think u have a bad component that would be easy to fix mayb a flight controller or a component that is soldered on top that broke loose Chk all pads on everything that supp to carry voltage 5v 12v. Then move to mayb boot button is jumped or pushed if it's a button. then try recal motors and esc sin beta try spinning them up in beta if that works and ur rx in beta shows movement of ur stix then it mayb a burnt part of fc. If u seen smoke then something tried or did burn. I've had a tbs power cube fill the room up with smoke and work fine next day but that was just grounded to carbon soooo good luck and let us know
O preventing is building ur own and learning where and what everything is. If ur gonna enjoy this thing called a hobby I learned to stay in the air u have to learn 2 yrs later and I still struggle. Lol. Props batteries. Standoffs prop nuts and extra esc and a pre flight Chk. Should get u hooked
I got two drones and both are down for electronic replacements or what not. So I figure I need 4 drones
3 to repair & 1 to fly at any given time. I have the wizard x220 also....Its now getting all new ESC's. Brice, you are correct...there is a steep learning curve with this hobby...from electronics to soldering skills to programming to the flying it's self...I find it very rerwarding to work on my stuff tho!!
Yes sir that's what I did I have two that have a twin. So I can pull the whole squid off one broke frame and slam it in another if needed. At least know your rig up down and inside out then fixing is a matter of waiting on that mail truck
Yup. Lots of waiting....im getting smarter by buying an extra motor or ESC.
Yea man until u build your spare bedroom up with misc parts that will be outdated in 6 months so hurry crash and rebuild lol

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