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What is FrSky EU LBT and non EU firmware?

Sith Trooper

Active Member
May 25, 2020
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i'll buy FrSky ACCST Taranis Q X7 and i don't know what is EU LBT and non EU firmware.:rolleyes:
Can anyone help me?
There are 2 flavors of transmitter in general, EU/LBT (European Union/Listen Before Talk) and FCC (Federal Communications Commission aka International). The EU/LBT does not do D8 mode and it is limited in transmit power, never get an EU/LBT model unless you live in a EU/LBT zone and have no legal choice.
There are 2 flavors of transmitter in general, EU/LBT (European Union/Listen Before Talk) and FCC (Federal Communications Commission aka International). The EU/LBT does not do D8 mode and it is limited in transmit power, never get an EU/LBT model unless you live in a EU/LBT zone and have no legal choice.
Hi, yes I accidentally bought an EU/LBT XM+ receiver last year but was able to reprogram it with FFC by an upgrade from Frsky through my transmitter as explained by [email protected] . It was quite simple to do.
The hardware is the same for the RX's but I think the hardware on the internal XJT transmit module are different, I don't think an FCC load will work on an EU transmitter.
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Shoot, maybe I got it mixed-up with one of my other ones. I had a couple floating around. How can you tell which is which ? I'll have to go home and ? look ?
I think if you have an ACCST model (it will say either ACCST or ACCESS in the bottom right corner of the display) and you can pick D8 for the Internal RF Mode, then it is an FCC model, if you can only pick D16 and LR12 then it is an EU/LBT model, but if it is a ACCESS model instead of ACCST then I am not sure how you tell unless there is a label on the back cover (if I remember correctly).

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