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What's acro called in betaflight??


Well-Known Member
May 8, 2017
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so with my quad connected to betaflight I go to modes and set the values for my switches and notice there's no acro setting. Just air mode, horizon mode and angle mode???!!!! How do I get acro on there
Acro is actually when you have no self leveling mode selected. Go into betaflight configuration and make a switch position that has no leveling mode selected. That will be acro
You don't really need horizon mode, it's the same as angle mode without being able to do flips and rolls. Use the horizon spot for acro
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Bronco your bird is rtf right? One of your switches will have 3 settings. One will be angle, one horizon and one acro. Really no need to mess with settings until you find a problem or want to change rates.
I already did I wanted to have an arm switch and I just set the modes while I was at it. Prolly dropped te acro part on accident without knowing it
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Hey Broncosdad, just do like Wayne said. Rip through a few packs until you get used to how the sticks feel. I started off in angle mode, but quickly saw how limiting it was in controlling. After a while, the PID tunings in angle mode will seem to be fighting your stick controls. When you get better, just turn angle mode off on your FC, then stick with Acro mode all the way. Then increase your PID rates until they're at a level that feels right for you (but not too much or you will start to get oscillations). Stick to one quad for a while and learn it well, then think about your next quad challenge/ build.
Hey Broncosdad, just do like Wayne said. Rip through a few packs until you get used to how the sticks feel. I started off in angle mode, but quickly saw how limiting it was in controlling. After a while, the PID tunings in angle mode will seem to be fighting your stick controls. When you get better, just turn angle mode off on your FC, then stick with Acro mode all the way. Then increase your PID rates until they're at a level that feels right for you (but not too much or you will start to get oscillations). Stick to one quad for a while and learn it well, then think about your next quad challenge/ build.
Thanks man your input it very much appreciated and I will do exactly what ya said. Seems like a good formula :)

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