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Why is DJI FPV a Game Changing Drone?

I think it's interesting how many people are labeling and categorizing those who purchase the DJI FPV.
I think it shows a lot of ignorance on their part.
Perhaps this is not an age thing as much as it is a maturity level.
I think you understand it perfectly, since you're into such diverse vehicles. It's no different than manual transmission owners hating on automatics. Or diesel owners vs. gas, side-by-sides vs. quads or even Chevy vs. Ford. There is nothing ignorant about it, it's human nature. Maturity has nothing to do with it. Traditional fpv quad owners and DJI fpv owners are in separate classes, and that's the objective truth. I'd personally never spend my money on a DJI, but I'd darn sure fly with someone that did have one. Some of us don't care for what DJI is offering, their product isn't interesting to me and I feel their "care" program is highway robbery. I don't knock others for it though. To each their own, but like I said, these are different classes.
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