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We are an Orlando based company who caters to all drone pilots needs with the latest and greatest FPV gear to keep you up in the AIR!!
48 years of rc but newbie view at rtf. Seems a good kit if you just want to fly. Not competitive at all but works fare for starters. I have info on upgrading tx.. and will liv through upgrading and connecting goggles and a tx. Would share if is of value here
Is this an advanced drone forum or can we start rtf kit threads this rise 250 is nice if you just want to pay and fly. I'm a long member of rc groups and good info to share. Thought I'd ask first before starting a dead thread
I hv an echine wizard. On pdb it shows 2 red lights and my reciever doesnt flash or seem to work
Makes noise when battery plug in and motors twich just receiver doesnt flash so i cant bind controler. Does this mean pdb is fried

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