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A Raceflight Revolt v2 review from a nobbie's perspective...


Well-Known Member
Mar 9, 2016
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Well, I've become a builder in my short FPV racing drone experience. I think I'm building a bit better than I'm flying but my piloting skills are improving. I've now built 5-6 birds and I'm in the process of another. I wanted to give my noobie review of my Raceflight Revolt v2 experience both from a building and flying perspective.

Sadly, the Raceflight board doesn't have any options for On Screen Display (OSD) systems so I'm not going to harp on this oversight. I like OSD systems. I don't use a lot of the options but I do like being able to monitor my battery info, RSSI, throttle position and a horizon through my goggles and to set up alerts on my Taranis radio. I originally tried to set up a Diatone SP3 VTX with MWOSD but I couldnt get it to work.

My building experience with the RF (Raceflight) Revolt v2 and Bolt (RF 4-in-one ESC's) has been arduous and full of failure. After purchasing two RF Revolt v1 boards and then finding out that i really needed v2's, I was in the hole from the start. I purchased the first two from a vendor in China with no real expectation of even attempting to return them. I then purchased two Revolt v2's and two Bolt's from a stateside source. I received the two Revolts but only one of the Bolts.

The building process was actually pretty simple and I had a working Revolt v2/Bolt combination in no time. Wiring the Bolt was the trickiest part as my motor wires weren't long enough and they had to be routed in a funky way. When completed I felt like I had a pretty clean build.

The process of installing the RF One configurator and downloading and flashing the Revolt board was a bit of a hassle but was accomplished without too much pain. Instructions, videos and information regarding the RF stuff is very limited and scattered (Unless you understand and use Slack and FB, I guess?). I don't use either, I just use YouTube and the internet.

The RF One configurator with its Wizards seemed fairly straightforward. All went well until I got to the ESC Wizard. RF One was unable to identify and flash the RF Bolt ESC's and the configurator would ultimately just lock up when I tried to do anything with the ESC wizard. After several reboots, I decided to move on to the motor configuration wizard and although I was able to insure the motors were all operating and operating in the right direction, I did get an error at the end of the process saying that one of my ESC's/motor's was not there but they all did spin up properly.

(I got nervous that there was an issue with the RF Bolt so I scrapped it and installed individual Aikon 30A ESC's. I had similar issue with them when I got to the ESC and motor wizard but just moved on anyway.)

After going through all of the Wizards I moved on to the various tabs where further but limited options can be modified. I was particularly interested in a Failsafe process where (as in Betaflight) I can turn off my radio and the beeper on the bird would beep until I found it, I could turn on and off airmode and I could modify my UART's so I could use my Tramp HV Telemetry to modify my PID's through my Taranis.

Well, I was unable to accomplish any of those functions. The only way I found to even enable the beeper was through a switch, as far as I know it can't be enabled through a failsafe process. Airmode is always on in RF. This isn't a big deal but for an inexperienced pilot like me it's an issue. Particularly, in the event of a crash. If I soft crash in a field of long grass the motors will continue to spin even if I'm on the ground, tangling the heck out of the motors. In Betaflight I have airmode on a switch so if I crash I immediately hit the airmode off switch. I can then attempt to take off again if I arm the bird with airmode off. I can quickly tell if I can get it off the ground or if I have to go retrieve it. With airmode always on, as soon as I try to arm the props will try to spin up, further entangling me in the mess I may be in. With regard to the Tramp HV, I had an available UART on TX6/RX6 that I used for the Tramp. When I went into RF One I only had up to UART3 available in the dropdown options, no UART6 so no Tramp.

The bird does fly well and even seems slightly steadier and smoother than my Betaflight F3 birds. It's a good flying bird. How much better is questionable to this inexperienced pilot. All in all, it works but I don't think I'm ready to throw out my Betaflight boards at this point. For me, the Betaflight experience is a better one. I know the board, I understand the settings, it seems to have many more options and I love the ease of the OSD.

I'm in process of a new Armattan Chameleon build and I may try the new Lumenier F4 AIO FC in it. If I don't, it'll definitely be getting a Betaflight F3 AIO FC! I'm just not sold on the whole Raceflight experience at this point.

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RF a little more complicated than BF and it doesn't help that it's still beta software and they are constantly changing changing it and most updates are not even stable enough to consider trying. Don't like the GUI very much either. Seems like RF has a bunch more hoops you have to jump through and information that can be hard if not impossible to find because all the different versions they have. Seems like every week there is new firmware with all kinds of changes and bugs. Using RF for the first time can be a learning curve. Plus the mandatory use of capacitors and the need to softmount everything to get board to fly right is dumb. I'll be sticking to beta flight from now on.

And Jerry if you really want an osd and have the room you can put a Matek on it you just can't wire it through the Fc.

I agree with you that it's pretty dumb the revolt doesn't have an option to use a micro osd. They brag about how advanced the board is and leave out on of the most basic options there is.
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Not only that but they make a Fc and 4 in 1 esc with a super easy mounting option and then recommend not using the pins when using it because of noise issues. What's the point of using the bolt if it has to be wired to work best. Then you add in the matek pdbosd to the stack if you want a osd and your spacesaving setup is now 3 boards deep. I can throw a beta flight board on and not worry about capacitors, softmounting, software not working, annoying tuning bugs and other RF bugs yet to be sorted out.

My setup didn't have many issues just the tuning bugs where the GUI doesn't show the saved pids and you have to keep disconnecting and connect it again for them to show the updated pids. Makes it really annoying.
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I think you feel me on this one. You've obviously been down this road already. I think I am going to try the new Lumenier F4 AIO on my new build. It looks fairly similar to the BFF3 but with the F4 chip. What motors are you sporting? Your motors sound a lot crisper than the Emax motors I've been using. I did just get some Brother Hobby ones I'm going to try on this new build.

Hi Jerry and TC,
I am not sure if you guys are just gluttons for punishment or what...i love betaflight, its easy (would have to be for me). It is easy ,consistant , and has ALL the neccesary switches and gadgets that any mortal could want or use...there seems to be a theme in the racing quad arena....if it works good or great...lets try something else. Jerry from my seat here ...your reveiw and torturous journey sounded awful ,just awful. I would never put myself through that. Even if I knew what i was doing.

Just some thoughts.
Jerry from my seat here ...your reveiw and torturous journey sounded awful ,just awful. I would never put myself through that. Even if I knew what i was doing.

Hmmm....Aren't you the guy that just said this in another thread? "I beleive (strongly)that it is always better to TRY and fail, than never try and wonder."


I think you feel me on this one. You've obviously been down this road already. I think I am going to try the new Lumenier F4 AIO on my new build. It looks fairly similar to the BFF3 but with the F4 chip. What motors are you sporting? Your motors sound a lot crisper than the Emax motors I've been using. I did just get some Brother Hobby ones I'm going to try on this new build.


Tornado t2 and some tmotor f80's.
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what you guys forget is that RF1 is geared toward racing, not flying around the yard looking at your osd

That was probably a bit harsh. I've worked pretty hard in this hobby and don't consider myself to be "flying around the yard looking at your osd". I think I'm trying to learn to fly and to better my piloting and building skills. I certainly haven't deemed Trauma to be just flying around the yard either. He's flying pretty dang fast, on what appears to be somewhat of a course and is now incorporating gates into it.

My review intentionally incorporated "noobie" in the title. I'm not pretending to be an experienced builder, pilot, racer or reviewer. I'm merely providing my actual experience with a particular product.

I do believe that Racers would desire a board and configurator that can properly identify and configure most popular ESC/motor combinations. For me, RF1 was unable to do so with both their own RF Bolt, very popular Aikon 30A ESC's and fairly standard Emax motors.

I don't know that we're seeing too many Racers incorporating the RF products into their racing birds just yet and DRL's Racer 3 is using an "F3 + SPI MPU6000 + Betaflight 3" per their own website. Most Racers also seem to prefer to modify their PID's and settings through their radios. I'm sure it may have been my inexperience but I was unable to do so with the available UART ports.

My intention was not to slam the RF products, it was to relate my experience with them. It is a newer product and proprietary configuration system and is bound to have some bugs and growing pains, which RF has acknowledged.

Although, I am currently "just flying around my yard" right now, my goal is to become a good pilot with the potential to be able to compete with other skilled pilots one day. Time will tell whether I'll ever achieve that goal but I didn't enter this hobby to fly around the yard looking at my OSD.


Just reading back on this, just wanna start by apologising for the above post, was really harsh and unnecessary Now that i've had rf1 a good while i now realise that you (Jerry) must have had an old gfu downloaded. hope you try again as i think rf1 is awesome.
link to newest gfu
.Download – RaceFlight
lots of info here
RaceFlight One
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