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Activating Avata and goggles 2


Active Member
Apr 13, 2023
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I'm a bit confused: I had an Avata package on order but discovered my Galaxy S22 won't run the DJI Fly app. I've canceled the order and am on hold as far as purchasing at this time.

I contacted DJI support and they pointed me to the Assistant 2 that allows activation on the computer but then said it won't work with the avata after all. The Assistant 2 read me file indicated that in a Aug of 2022 program update, the Avata and the gog 2 were added for activation, firmware update etc. However, support still tells that the avata won't work with the Assistant 2 (win ver). This was after sending them a screenshot of the readme file.

They did indicate they work working to get the fly app to run on the s22 but had no date as to when that would happen.

Has any body used the Assistant 2 with a windows computer to activate the Avata / Goggles 2 combo?

I appreciate any help as I'm very interested in the avata but want to fly it rather than have a paperweight on my desk ;-).

if you have the combo with goggles 2 you will need a phone connected anyway, otherwise you will not have gps so no rth
in fact im not sure that you can use it without a phone
if you cant use your phone it will better if you can to send it back and buy the integra combo that have a gps inside
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if you have the combo with goggles 2 you will need a phone connected anyway, otherwise you will not have gps so no rth
in fact im not sure that you can use it without a phone
if you cant use your phone it will better if you can to send it back and buy the integra combo that have a gps inside
You only need the phone attached to Activate the drone initially. If you live in the US you will also need the phone attached for Remote ID. The Integra removes that second requirement.

RTH is determined by the GPS in the drone when you take off. I doubt you'll be doing much "Dynamic" home point while wearing goggles and don't believe it's even an option for the Avata.
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I did activate with assistant back when I bought it when it released.
No need for a phone at all, unless you're in the US and the firmware is current in which case as mentioned the goggles want a phone with the app connected for a short period before taking off to get location for remote ID.
I did activate with assistant back when I bought it when it released.
No need for a phone at all, unless you're in the US and the firmware is current in which case as mentioned the goggles want a phone with the app connected for a short period before taking off to get location for remote ID.
Ya, I wasn't sure about activation with Assistant, and come to think about it I believe that's how I did it too. But that was sooo long ago and memory is not what it was...
I've flown fixed wing and drones over the years but it's been several years. I'll be looking into the FAA requirements for the avata. I'm not familiar with the remote ID and it's purpose. Is the remote ID a requirement to fly?

Thanks for the replies!
I've flown fixed wing and drones over the years but it's been several years. I'll be looking into the FAA requirements for the avata. I'm not familiar with the remote ID and it's purpose. Is the remote ID a requirement to fly?

Thanks for the replies!
If you are in the USA, yes, Remote ID (RID) is a requirement for anything over 250 grams. I'm not in the US so I'm far from an expert on the subject. I'm not sure about the actual timing of the requirement, but I do know that the latest firmware update, for the Avata in particular, has activated RID. It's not optional (you can't turn it off) and you can't roll back the firmware.
If you are in the USA, yes, Remote ID (RID) is a requirement for anything over 250 grams. I'm not in the US so I'm far from an expert on the subject. I'm not sure about the actual timing of the requirement, but I do know that the latest firmware update, for the Avata in particular, has activated RID. It's not optional (you can't turn it off) and you can't roll back the firmware.
Thanks for the info!
Based on what I've read so far, I won't be buying the avata until my phone can run DJI Fly app since DJI indicates the aircraft won't take off if not connected. So being able to use the computer to activate the system won't really help.
Based on what I've read so far, I won't be buying the avata until my phone can run DJI Fly app since DJI indicates the aircraft won't take off if not connected. So being able to use the computer to activate the system won't really help.
I believe that if you were to get the Avata with the new Integra Goggles that problem, needing to connect the phone to the goggles to fly, would go away as the Integra has GPS built in. This was why you needed to connect a phone to the Goggles 2 for RID, as the Goggles 2 had no GPS. Thus you needed the phone connected to get the pilots location to satisfy RID.
I believe that if you were to get the Avata with the new Integra Goggles that problem, needing to connect the phone to the goggles to fly, would go away as the Integra has GPS built in. This was why you needed to connect a phone to the Goggles 2 for RID, as the Goggles 2 had no GPS. Thus you needed the phone connected to get the pilots location to satisfy RID.
Thanks for this information. My understanding that visually, the Integra is the same as the goggles 2 (same oled screens etc). It handles the diopter adjustments differently and has the battery on the strap. I'll def look into that!

So I could activate the system on the computer and then no phone required.....now we're talkin'......

thanks again,

FYI, as a UAV with RID "native" (built-in) it is required to continuously broadcast the real-time location of the control station. If you unplug the phone in-flight, this will be indicated as an error in the RID packet.

This puts you at risk of some LEO charging you with a violation.

You know, after hell freezes over. Until THAT risk is realized, I'm not too worried. Regardless, I've only done once to test what happens, 'cause after I'm in the air, I completely forget it's attached.
FYI, as a UAV with RID "native" (built-in) it is required to continuously broadcast the real-time location of the control station. If you unplug the phone in-flight, this will be indicated as an error in the RID packet.

This puts you at risk of some LEO charging you with a violation.

You know, after hell freezes over. Until THAT risk is realized, I'm not too worried. Regardless, I've only done once to test what happens, 'cause after I'm in the air, I completely forget it's attached.
I get you, if the phone could run DJI Fly, I'd just have it in my pocket as usual and run a cord.
I get you, if the phone could run DJI Fly, I'd just have it in my pocket as usual and run a cord.
Ahhh, not running Fly would be a problem 😁

Sorry I missed that.
Barbara suggested that the problem would be alleviated by using the integra goggles ilo the goggles 2 as the integra has the gps recvr built in so phone not needed. I'm hoping she is right.

I've seen video of the view through the goggles. When you slow the drone to cruising, the picture was looking like hd quality. This is what I'm looking for; taking pics or video is a minor extra. I want the feeling of sitting in the pilot seat of the aircraft, not into racing or tricks so I think this will work fine. The analog screen and goggles I've used before are ok but the only way I'd spend this kind of coin on a system is with HD in the goggles.

I'd love to hear from anyone using the integra goggles for a real world confirmation (rather than me confirming with DJI as they're tech help is less than ideal) of no phone needed for RID. Also, would like to hear comments on the video of feed in the goggles and how that is doing in the real world......

I'm also interested in the controller 2 for my application.

I've flown a lot of fixed wing and several drones over the years but has been a while so all the current equipment/tech is new to me. An integrated system, ready to go, is looking good as is the guarded prop set up. Appreciate your comments as I try to confirm the DJI Avata, integra and controller 2 would work for me.

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I have the Goggles V2 that came with the FPV drone, and the Goggles 2, and the Integra will be delivered today.
The fit of the Goggles 2 is horrible for my face, and even though I have the screen size set to 80%, the telemetry info is all blurred out and I have to adjust the pupillary distance to read it, then readjust for the rest of the screen. But mostly I hate having to dangle the phone and the battery both from the goggles. So I bit the bullet and ordered the Integra Goggles to avoid dangling cords. The fit is said to be a bit better as well, and the optics have been improved.
We'll see....
I have the Goggles V2 that came with the FPV drone, and the Goggles 2, and the Integra will be delivered today.
The fit of the Goggles 2 is horrible for my face, and even though I have the screen size set to 80%, the telemetry info is all blurred out and I have to adjust the pupillary distance to read it, then readjust for the rest of the screen. But mostly I hate having to dangle the phone and the battery both from the goggles. So I bit the bullet and ordered the Integra Goggles to avoid dangling cords. The fit is said to be a bit better as well, and the optics have been improved.
We'll see....
I’d like to know what you think. I have the same dilemmas as you with see everything on the screen and the cords.
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Well, after a little more reading and vid viewing, I purchased the integra, mc2, avata package (fly more kit should be here in a couple of days). I've got the mc2 updated and activated. Getting ready to do the same with the avata and integra. This is through the Assistant 2 on my desktop computer (phone won't run the fly app). Will see about linking it all up and trying it out this afternoon.

I'll be looking into after market goggle "gasket" as I've got light leaks at the temples (tried them on after charging complete). Will also see if any of the fixed diopter lens will work (I were glasses), if not, will be visiting the optician. Hopefully I'll be able to see well enough to do some flying if the custom lens route is required.

Looking forward to this controller. I'm not into racing or tricks so it should be fine and be something different from the standard controller. Not sure on the head tracking but will want to try it out.....keeping an open mind there..... ;-).

I'll start with the stock props but have picked up the wide three blade props (from Master Airscrew) which are claimed to be slightly more efficient and have a lower tone to the prop noise so may be less obtrusive.


ps would be happy to receive suggestion for foam face piece....thanks in advance
the integra goggles, mc 2 and avata were updated and activated per the assistant 2 program. Unfortunately, I'm unable to get a link. Per the avata manual, I powered all three up. Held power button on the goggles until the leds blinked, same for the avata. The goggles show a note on the screen that linking is being attempted but after a few seconds go by, an additional note comes up saying that connection failed. No flying today........
Update: flying today!

I mis read the procedure and realized I had to hold the power buttons down beyond the leds blinking to get to the blinking one at a time. All linked up and I'm liking this system....instant fun......now just need to put different diopters in there as the ones I tried weren't quite right but was having so much fun, I didn't want to stop.

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