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Activating Avata and goggles 2

I’d like to know what you think. I have the same dilemmas as you with see everything on the screen and the cords.
I made about a 5 minute flight last night after work to test the goggles. The fit is MUCH more comfortable than the Goggles 2 for my face. I can see all the information displayed without straining. The resolution was a bit disappointing, but I haven't fit the correct diopter lens in yet, so that may fix that.
But it will be really nice not to have to battle tangled cords everytime I fly.
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Resolution is 1080p, isn't it?

The FOV of the goggles has no impact on resolution. Just what angle from your eyes the entire image subtends. pull the goggles away from your face 1cm, same image, same resolution, smaller FOV.

Integra has a smaller FOV than goggles 2, which would be a plus for those having difficulty with the telemetry in the corners of the image.
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Resolution is 1080p, isn't it?

The FOV of the goggles has no impact on resolution. Just what angle from your eyes the entire image subtends. pull the goggles away from your face 1cm, same image, same resolution, smaller FOV.

Integra has a smaller FOV than goggles 2, which would be a plus for those having difficulty with the telemetry in the corners of the image.
Yes, both goggles are 1080p, and the FOV on the integra is smaller, which enables us to see all of the telemetry. That and the lack of cords is why I bought these googles just a few months after buying the Goggles 2. No, the FOV has nothing to do with the resolution. The two goggles should have the same image quality. I'm on a run of 12 hour shifts, and I was quite tired last night when I made that short flight, too tired to spend time trouble shooting the resolution, but I was surprised at the grainy appearance. Hopefully installing the lens will improve that.
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Can you wear glasses with the Integra model?
Can you wear glasses with the Integra model?
No, the goggles fit too tight to the face. I've got prescription lenses to fit the integra goggles coming from HonsVR. Looking forward to that as the diopter choices get me close plus I have some astigmatism so "custom" lenses are the only good solution. I can fly it but after a couple of flights, my eyes get tired since they're struggling to focus.
No, the goggles fit too tight to the face. I've got prescription lenses to fit the integra goggles coming from HonsVR. Looking forward to that as the diopter choices get me close plus I have some astigmatism so "custom" lenses are the only good solution. I can fly it but after a couple of flights, my eyes get tired since they're struggling to focus.
Yeah, saw your reference to Hons above, checked 'em out. U$50, just specify your prescription. Looks good, I'll be going the same route.

BTW, for the other crusty old fossils out there like myself with presbyopia, no, you don't need to account for a progressive add in the prescription even though the object you're focusing on is centimeters from your eyes... the goggles focus at infinity as far as your eyes are concerned.
Yeah, saw your reference to Hons above, checked 'em out. U$50, just specify your prescription. Looks good, I'll be going the same route.

BTW, for the other crusty old fossils out there like myself with presbyopia, no, you don't need to account for a progressive add in the prescription even though the object you're focusing on is centimeters from your eyes... the goggles focus at infinity as far as your eyes are concerned.
Yeah, I was wondering about that but HonsVR faqs indicate that the focus is several feet out for what is shown on google screens. I have progressive lenses in my glasses but Hons only needed the distance numbers for grinding the lenses. This makes sense as the DJI Fpv system I gave to my son has goggles that you can wear your glasses and I was using the upper distance part of the lenses rather than the lower progressive focal area when I flew it.
I've flown fixed wing and drones over the years but it's been several years. I'll be looking into the FAA requirements for the avata. I'm not familiar with the remote ID and it's purpose. Is the remote ID a requirement to fly?

Thanks for the replies!
Yes you have to have remote ID to take off i. The US the avata will not fly with out it. I that sux
I'm a bit confused: I had an Avata package on order but discovered my Galaxy S22 won't run the DJI Fly app. I've canceled the order and am on hold as far as purchasing at this time.

I contacted DJI support and they pointed me to the Assistant 2 that allows activation on the computer but then said it won't work with the avata after all. The Assistant 2 read me file indicated that in a Aug of 2022 program update, the Avata and the gog 2 were added for activation, firmware update etc. However, support still tells that the avata won't work with the Assistant 2 (win ver). This was after sending them a screenshot of the readme file.

They did indicate they work working to get the fly app to run on the s22 but had no date as to when that would happen.

Has any body used the Assistant 2 with a windows computer to activate the Avata / Goggles 2 combo?

I appreciate any help as I'm very interested in the Avata but want to fly it rather than have a paperweight on my desk ;-).

I'm flying the Explorer Combo, Avata, Motion Controler 2, Integra. I used to fly the Pro-View Combo, when I used my S23 ultra with no problems, connected to the G2 headset. I did all my updates/binding with the desktop DJI assistant (consumer drones). Zero problems. Absolutely love flying these drones over all the other non-fpv drones. Can't believe I was on the wrong side of the drone world for so long.

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