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Arris X220 Will Not Power Up When Battery Is Plugged In


New Member
May 15, 2021
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Greetings from the Midwest.

A little history with regards to my current issue. Initially when I started flying this drone I didn’t used my FPV’s. It was advised by some that learning to fly in acro was the most appropriate way to learn. I was previously flying helicopters, so the controls were familiar. As expected, I crashed and crashed and crashed. Finally, some items broke that didn’t really impact flight too much. That being said, I replaced the broken bits and set out to do an FPV goggle flight, but when I powered everything up there wasn’t a picture in my FPV’s. Long story short, my coax cable from my VTX to the bottom of my Foxeer was severed within the heat shrink. I couldn’t see it until I started scrutinizing the connection. I replaced that and the VTX board. After all that it wouldn’t power up. I found a chip on the FC was gone. I replaced the FC.

I flashed the firmware on Betaflight. I also loaded my original backed up settings. I was ok with everything in Betaflight until I tried to conduct a run up on the motors. There’s no response. When I plug in the battery, I get a short sound (not a beep) and no lights illuminate anywhere on the drone. When I plug in the usb cable (battery unplugged) all the lights illuminate. My RadioLink AT9S receiver has correct inputs in the Betaflight Receiver section.

Here’s the kicker: I’m not sure if this caused any type of failure on my VTX or not, but I was initially trying to run up my motors without my Foxeer antenna on (Visualize me pounding my fists on the table swearing at myself for being an idiot). I have checked my 4S 1500mAh batteries and each cell is at 4.2v.

If anyone has any suggestions, I would really appreciate it. Thanks in advance!

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