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AVATA Dunking - or how NOT to wash your AVATA...


Apr 5, 2024
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So, we had a droning day ut to meet with friends in the Lake District, I took all 3 drones - MINI3 Pro, AIR3 and AVATA, and the second location was the wonderful Ashness bridge, which just demanded flying under with the AVATA, all good until a sensor error sends my drone off sideways into a rock and it dropped into a small pool at the side of the river, landing half submerged...

Thankfully a bit of drying and a new memory card and it was all ok, has been 3 weeks now and I have flown in Glencoe, Skye and flew twice more on the day it happened - I reckon I was exceptionally lucky!!

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Reactions: pedz and Dustydoug
That bridge definitely demanded flying under! Flying low over water and in close confines is always a bit nerve-wracking. You never know when the downward sensors are going to collect erroneous readings from the water below and send you careening off into the bushes or rocks. I wish we could disable them.
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The Avata2 works much better over water that the original Avata. I have given the several original Avata baths.
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Reactions: AlbionDrones
The Avata2 works much better over water that the original Avata. I have given the several original Avata baths.
Apart from this one flight my AVATA1 has behaved quite well, even when flying lowish over water... These 3 are all in the last 2 weeks, since it took its bath...


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