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bad motor causing video interference?


Active Member
Jan 5, 2017
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I have another post about battery, this is different.

I have a second quad, which I believe I have narrowed down to motors causing interference? This interference is like white bars running vertically up the screen.

Is it possible for a motor to cause interference?

My test - Betaflight 3.1 with props off, go to motors tab, slowly raise throttle on each motor independently until I see interference, on motors 1 and 3 I get the interference but on motors 2 and 4 image is clean.

Also I think motor 1 got some dirt in it, I tried to blow it out with canned air as best I could.

Is this likely the cause? Opinions? Other things to check?

I wonder if soft mounting the motors would get rid of it?

Is not really the motors it's the amps running to your motors causing electrical interference. Just throw a filter on your pdb where your battery plugs in.
Is not really the motors it's the amps running to your motors causing electrical interference. Just throw a filter on your pdb where your battery plugs in.

Thanks for the reply. Something like this?

Amazon.com: Crazepony L-C Power Supply Filter 2A 16V Input Reverse Polarity Protection for FPV Racing Quadcopter: Toys & Games

Basically I just unsolder the the wires from the lipo plug on the PDB and insert this in-between?

Weird how this just started out of the clear blue, also I can't find anyone else having this issue with the Wizard x220.. :-/
Yeah that will work but it doesn't go where your battery plugs in. Just make sure the filter you get matches what you need.

If this issue popped up out of nowhere, you most likely have a solder joint or bare wire touching carbon fiber somewhere. I was just having this interference issue with a friend's micro quad after a mild crash. Close inspection revealed no damages, so i took off the top plate and looked around. I moved wires around to get a good look with nothing unusual spotted except a couple blades of grass. I put it back together and the issue was somehow gone. There must have been something touching the frame, although I never saw what it was.

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