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Best Rates for Cinematic FPV


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Aug 22, 2021
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I shot this video with a Mini 2 and my FPV drone. I'm frustrated with the single axis gimbal on the FPV drone as I find it to be very "wobbly" for lack of a better term.
I've seen some beautiful FPV footage that appears to be super smooth and am wondering what the best rates might be for cinematic flying or if I just suck. If you
wouldn't mind taking a look at my video and giving me some tips, I'd greatly appreciate it.
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Fly in manual so you're the one in control of the angles and not the drone, and fly at the speed you want so you don't need to speed up in post as that'll always make anything appear more shaky.
Will obviously take lots of practice to plan the trajectories right.

Also it seems you only had the goggles recording which is not stabilized like the aircraft recording would.
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If you don't have one on, you can try mounting a GoPro (Hero 6 and newer recommended). The stabilization on them will compensate for the 'shakiness' in flying. Also, you may wanna try lowering your rates a little, while adding a little expo. That should make more smoother transitions. Practice with numbers that you can get comfortable with.
Nice video. Very brave to FPV over water as I dont have the bottle.Some video ed software such as davinci resolve and others have stabilisation capabilities within them. You can also use a more sophisticated programme adobe after effects. Personally, I have used resolve to great effect. Use the drone video and not the goggles video. Turn on EIS in the drone if its available.

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