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Binding problem


Well-Known Member
Jul 7, 2019
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I have new Taranis X9 Lite and R-XSR reciever which I can't bind.

I connected:
*Green wire S.Bus-OUT to RX6(S)
*Yellow S.port to TX6.
*White S.Bus-IN are not connected.

*I updated firmware of my Taranis to 2.3.0, modules: internal model ISRM-N, version 1.1.3
*I can't update my RXSR via Taranis with cable (no any light on reciever).

Do I need bind in intetnal or external module? I have:
Only have ISRM mode..

Have this modes:

Turn OFF reciever
Turn on Taranis.
In setup on Reciever1 click Bind (beeping).
Hold button on reciever and turn ON reciever.
Show solid Green and red light.
Exit from bind.
Shutting down reciever.
Turn ON reciever and red light flashing.

In bind I got solid red with solid green light. No green..

I read when I got two ligts in bind that version of booth are not a same (EU/nonEU)..
Unfortunately this is all the new things from Frsky so it is not well known yet how it works and what to do.
I do know that the R-XSR will not bind to the new ACCESS protocol until you reflash it with the correct firmware for that.
I replied to your other post too, hopefully it helps you figure out what to look at. Did you watch any videos on how to flash an RX? They will not be exactly the same because OpenTX has changed and so some things are different in the Taranis, and the only thing to NOT EVER TRY is the "Flash Internal Module" or you will overwrite the Internal TX in the Taranis. If yu need some help PM me and I will try.
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You can't connect the sbus and s.port wires to the same UART
I bind sucessfully.
Before I update firmware from turned taranis, but not from boot! :-o
Now from boot I got new stuf and some things are changed! I bind reciever to Accst D16!

From binding got only 2 new sensor in telemetry searching.
Reciever still not update.

About inputs controls in BF:
In BF I set port Uart 6, Open serial RX.
I set reciever SBUS in dropdown menu.
I enabled telemetry button.
Still not have active inputs. I found other way. I hold button 4sec. on reciever and solid blue lights are with green. Blue lights are SBUS, withot blue are PPM (manual says).

So I got inputs, now when I move taranis controls reciever fields are active.

But, do I really want be in that blue/green light at anytime?? Or I must be only in green light like all recievers?

When I am in blue/green lights, still no others discover sensors in taranis, the same 2 are visible.
I still think you need to move your yellow s.port wire to a different UART and enable in ports tab
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Exactly. Then enable smartport in modes tab. Like this

I tried new setup now:

TX1-Reciever(S port)
RX6(S) -Reciever (S Bus)
TX3-TX805 smart audio

GPS are disconected to avoid conflict (uart 6). No free ports for it on board.

Still have inputs, but can't find other sensors (2 only).
I saw method where wire, think SBUS soldered directly to the one of two little spots on reciever, maybe I must try that. And maybe upgrade reciever too.. Maybe need set some settings in taranis..

And one strange thing I found is why can still see a picture in goggles when I disconected a VTX port in BF ?

Ok, if you see somewhere a mistake, or you have a some new idea, pkease tell.
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Sorry. I mean TX805 green smart audio wire ;) It have smart wire too. Lol
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What model flight controller are you using?
Betaflight F4. See here
But I will got new soon.
I searched for a reciever flash. And I found that someones put cable behind reciever in Module Bay pins. Other puts front on S-Port like me.

But no any tutorial for my x9 Lite.

I saw others switch wires on cable red and black.

Normal cable I got with Taranis is BLACK-RED-YELLOW, and if I do like they, that will be RED-BLACK-YELLOW wire.

But I can't do that, because I test pins and my yellow cable have bigest voltage (14.1 at 200m), and black seams will be ground, I think.

So, in my case I must switch red/yellow, and that will be final BLACK-YELLOW-RED. Never saw scheme like that. Can I switch wires like that on black jack?
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Leave the wires as they are, they are correct as they are, swapping wires is ONLY for OLD X9D+ and not for the Lite.
You are reading your meter wrong, you are on a max of 200 millivolts range (200/1000th of a volt) so you are seeing 14.1 millivolts not volts.
You will not see any voltage there until you actually press the Flash to Smart Port or whatever the label says, and it will only be present for a split second because if the RX isn't there to respond then it will shut off the voltage. Stop reading with a meter and hook up the cable with the yellow wire towards the middle and try to flash SBUS/Smartport, cant remember which it says.
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I made it with upgrade receiver!
I had begginers mistake, because I flash to external port instead flash S-Port.

Still have only two sensors discover.

Maybe must change settings in BF or Taranis. I will give you some poctures, maybe you will see something.
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There should be more than 2 sensors, it looks like you are only getting the 2 sensors that come from the RX itself, RX Battery and RSSI. It seems your smart port is not working, are you sure you have it to the TX pin of the UART and that the Ports tab in BF is set up correctly?
Can you show a good picture of your smart port connection on the FC?
Here is pictures of my board.
BF port setup picture are in post above.

And picture of empty board to see labels:
Maybe I missed target in BF.
I install omnibusf4 instead omnibus f4SD!!
I try flash again.
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Ok, a couple of things...
First, I had no idea that you hadn't finished building the basics yet, yes finish before you worry about sensors.
Second, take a little more care with your soldering, try to have the solder flow over the whole pad or it will fail on you at the slightest crash or even possibly while flying.
Third, be careful what you flash the FC with, it is possible to break it for good if you flash the wrong target, but since you just did the non-OSD version of the FC firmware it seems you are fine this time.

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