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Bought some more gear


Well-Known Member
Dec 18, 2016
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I recently got a good deal on a friends drone setup. So now i finally have all the gear to get out there. Only problem is we have heavy rain atm. I cant wait...

Tgings i bought were fatshark Dom v3, a drone put together from droneproz the hower x bapu edition, its 200mm with 5 inch props. A taranis, 4 channel 400 watt charger. Around 10 batts. Spare props and an eching drone as well with cheap controller. Also came with cross fire set up as well as spare xr8. Heaps of gear with hardly any use for nit much more than the cost of what i would have paid for a set of hd3 fatsharks so im really happy.

I wasnt going to buy the fatsharks for a while as i have a job opportunity on the east coast of australia in victoria so am moving next week.

My friend hasnt used the drone gear much and was having a problem firing up the drone when i went out the front for a smoke. When i came in he said it fired up and showed me the quite deep cuts in his thigh....he had gotten attacked by the props...as he said he should have known better. Was a good lesson for me to see...

I didnt see it fly properly just a short burst in the back yard. First experience with looking into the fatsharks and i thought geeze the screen is quite small. They are the 50 degree feild of view so must be the largest and closest ones fatshark make. The hd3 went back to 43 degrees i think. Anyways i really happy as with some gear getting stolen recently and now the expense of moving 3500K with multiple vehicles i wasnt going to get in the air for a while.

Now i have all the gear and many duplucates with 3 drones to play with, things will move forward quickly. Whilst i wont be able to get the footage of this area i will be moving to a vastly more populated area which has drone clubs and meet ups nearby, so plenty of like minded people to go flying with and later start my drone racing careerNot that ill be anygood though...

I now have complete 433, 900 and 2.4 tx/rx systems, true d diversity, the frsky horus and taranis, the 220 wizard, one good quality drone and a cheaper eching drone. Plenty of batts and good charger. Only thing still missing is my computer to practice on. So to recap i have all the gear and no idea...Lol
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I recently got a good deal on a friends drone setup.

Congrats on the new gear. You may already know this, but anytime you get used gear, it's always a good idea to go through the new stuff very carefully. Checking to make sure that everything is in order. Plus it gives you an opportunity to learn the in's-n-out's of the new stuff.

PS: Good Luck on the move and new job.

Thanks Randy. All the gear has very little use and alot is still in pacjages unused. Really happy with it all. I gave my current worj place another week to try and get organised with other workers. Will be moving at the end of the week.

I will take my time and only drive during the day as there are some big animals like feral camels and cattle as well as many big kangaroos to deal with. There is one stretch of road that holds the title of the longest straight stretch if road in australia. Think its about 100klms of road without any corners or bends. Bit boring...
Thanks Randy. All the gear has very little use and alot is still in pacjages unused. Really happy with it all. I gave my current worj place another week to try and get organised with other workers. Will be moving at the end of the week.

I will take my time and only drive during the day as there are some big animals like feral camels and cattle as well as many big kangaroos to deal with. There is one stretch of road that holds the title of the longest straight stretch if road in australia. Think its about 100klms of road without any corners or bends. Bit boring...

I would love to see the country there. Was planning on tacking the wife to the French Polynesia Islands next month for our 30th anniversary. That would have been a stretch for me. But we were going to do it until life got in the way.

I like to see the videos of the tractor trailer chains driving down the road you mentioned. Where I live, it's odd just to see a tandem.
Shame it didnt work out thus time for you. I also have french polynesia on my bucket list as i want to sit in the channel on a boat watching fearless surfers tackle the heaviest wave in the world.

Those tractor trailers we call road trains here. There is plenty in these parts, i think the max length is 53 metres. They also drive these on dirt roads...We also get alot of wide loads with trucks carrying big mining machinary. I will miss the wide open spaces here and the gold fields but it will be nice to be near the ocean.
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