I don't know about yours Futura, but my wifi fob isn't that usable for me because it is it's own hotspot I need to connect to so range is pretty limited. If I could connect it to my home network and then get that info anywhere I had cell or wifi it would be much more usable and I wouldn't consider it a bad investment.
@Aggravated, Futura is right on the counterfeits, but I will say that every charger is unique to some degree, and even the clones are not the worst as many use them with great success. No matter what you do, take a hard look at the operation of things all along, but especially when you first introduce a new piece of equipment or process into your charging routine. The things I try to do religiously are...
Always check the cells and total voltage plus it's physical condition before I ever put it on to charge, and especially before I put it on parallel charge. It is so easy to damage good batteries or start a fire if a bad battery is added when parallel charging.
I always charge at 1C, that is safest and best for the batteries, when you do this a "good" Lipo battery will actually get cool and even feel cold as it charges, heat at 1C is a sign of trouble.
Really pay attention when you plug in your main power AND balance leads, it is VERY possible to have them insert or touch when backwards and that will be bad to very bad, so be very careful here. You hate to lose traces on your parallel board, or short and damage a battery(s) or even worse it catches fire, so just like props cutting your finger off, keep a healthy respect for batteries and charging functions.
Hopefully your charger shows up, works flawlessly, and charges your cells to 4.209 exactly... one can hope anyway LOL