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Cerberus Trifecta - Cerb v2 newbe build

how do you choose the right one? thats on the xt60 for the mini and came bnf that way. should i assume i need one? i think ...maybe move the ground wires and see if that's better.. then add this if not? what's the procedure to decide what is needed?
Even if it doesn't help your video (but it should help at least a little) it keeps voltage spikes from getting to your vtx, camera and etc.
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Raceflight is notorious for needing low ESR caps and i recommend them on any build, seems to make things smoother
some use 4-5, one each esc and one at lipo. I use one, works great
hmm, i cut that power wire set (battery) really close.. redoing those wires would suck... sigh. hopefully the ground wire Change will help or I'm just gonna fly it.

work kept me from getting to that site today but we did adjust the video before burning batteries here at home.

the solder wicking inside the power wires made this difficult (hot) to make go under the fc... one of the sketchiest parts off the build actually. if i redo this to get longer(filtered) power wires id go with an all in one f5 or better board. for now, I'm kinda stuck... i think? 1519078837514875796744.jpg
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On those u shaped lipo pads like that, I fan out my stripped wire and trim it to fan around the top or bottom of those for max surface, then tin them and solder
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On those u shaped lipo pads like that, I fan out my stripped wire and trim it to fan around the top or bottom of those for max surface, then tin them and solder
i wish i would have done this your way it took a ton of heat to do what i have and to change it...
it needs to break first. is that just lazy or what.. I'm actually trying to plan here why and what i change when i take the 5" apart again. there is no emergency... lol
its certainly easy to just fly it... but this was good info for the thread he he
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this should go in the recent Flux thread...
but.. can you elaborate on how you fan out the wires, cover the horseshoe pad and do you then Fill in the backside... at the same time?

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