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Cerberus Trifecta - Cerb v2 newbe build

power wires to the pdb are done and the fc is mounted. i had to make new (longer) red spacers to guarantee proper fit. ... again, the nuts on top are holding the fc while soldering15178559171551874260393.jpg but will be on top of this and the end nut, to seal the stack. 1517856249416537444366.jpg
now to solder in the motor signal wires, vtx, rx.
the pico blx fc is also a 10a rated pdb but running these motors on 3s required the cicada 4in1.

btw, the rx goes in that space under the vtx. it's the furious fpv mnova version. sick *** features for a micro if i can get it and the pico blx in bed together
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i just printed off hard copy of the manual...15178706358101616015904.jpg
i keep all that documentation for all three quads in one "Rhino" folder. 15178708005991312039525.jpg
after this last weekend of work, i feel more like this guy..
but i did fly four batteries today.
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i was in a fb discussion about how to maintain three different size drones and if there's any bunifit. we'll see on the bunifit (flight envelope) but documenting everything so you don't have to truly remember three different setups...priceless investment of time. it's a hobby with all the time i can/want, this electrical fun with different boards/pin outs... begs for documents unless you only fly one setup.
i hope to get to charge and fly with all three soon. these details are easily forgotten at my age so.... ring notebook.. and its a great spot for stickers.
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IMO, you would do well to try an ultralight 3" on 1106 or a 4" on 1407 with 12:1 power to weight or better.

I much prefer those to 5". But then again my 5" is not an ultralight. I am sure a 2204 ultralight 5" would feel nice as well.
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I respectfully submit that this is a function of the individual performance your specific 3", 4" and 5" quads. A frame design for a 5" quad may not translate to a 3" quad.

For example, I have not flown my 5" alien in months, in favor of my 3" and 4" quads which are superior to it in every respect.

With my quads, the 160g 4" simply demolishes the 5" on the same course. Tops speed, cornering, everything.

My smallest 75g 3" is more nimble than any of my other quads for tighter spaces. The feeling of acceleration is higher than my 5" given a smaller scale course.

It just depends on the individual quad IMO.
Oh, I intend to keep this thread going. Lots of parts on the way and I WILL have questions (insert evil laughter here)
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