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Compatibility DJI FPV & AVATA firmwares & hack


Active Member
Jan 20, 2022
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I have the DJI FPV that I love for long range and speed.
I'm thinking of buying the Avata for more proxy flights, but only the drone, I want to stay with my goggles V2 and my remote controller.

My DJI FPV drone has the DH hack, with the FCC and NFZ & altitude removal (firmware 01.02.0000)

I'd like to know if I purchase the Avata if I can keep a compatibility between my googles/controller and the DJI FPV without updating the drone firmware and loose the hack)

I suppose connecting my old equipment to the avata will force to update firmware of the goggles and controller to works ?
Is it compatible with the 01.02.0000 drone firmware ?

If I can't keep this hack and compatibility, I would not take the avata.

You do need to update goggles and controller but that doesn't affect the hack since it's on the aircraft itself.
Great thanks
But will it pose a problem of compatibility between the goggles and the drone ? (will the mask prevent the flight as long as it sees that the firmware of the drone is too old) ?

My goal is to use :
drone : v01.02.0000 (old compatible with dronehack)
goggles V2 : v01.03.0000 (latest with support avata)

I could already test by only upgrading my goggles, but I see that the v01.03.0000 goggles firmware has anti roll back, so I don't want upgrade it until I'm sure
What is the DH Hack? I just got my Avata today. Bought it for long hikes where hauling the FPV would be too heavy.
What is the DH Hack? I just got my Avata today. Bought it for long hikes where hauling the FPV would be too heavy.
It's for the FPV, not the Avata.
Only thing possible at this point for the Avata is forcing transmission at USA/FCC power level if you're somewhere else.
Get my avata.

Upgraded my goggles V2 to v01.03.0000 and the remote controller to v02.00.0200
DJI FPV drone still in v01.02.0000 (DH hack)
Avata drone in v01.01.0000 (b3yond fcc hack)

I confiirm, everything works fine 👌
Thanks Kilrah
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