A new version of Flight Reader is available. Release 1.7.5 includes the following changes:
Added support for processing Matrice 4T flight logs.
When processing a flight log, a snapshot of the flight path is automatically generated and displayed in the "Photos" column of the flight list in the main Flight Reader window (view demo).
The RC.aileron, RC.elevator, RC.rudder, and RC.throttle values are now grouped together on the same chart axis for enhanced readability.
Resolved a crash that occurred when loading the Aircraft History while the "Aircraft" column in the flight list of the main Flight Reader window was hidden.
See the release notes for a complete list of changes.
A new version of Flight Reader is available. Release 1.7.7 includes the following changes:
Added support for processing Matrice 4E flight logs.
The “Home point updated” message is now suppressed when the home point shifts less than a few inches. The generated aircraft log will still record these minor adjustments for models affected by what appears to be a bug in the DJI flight log creation process. However, since the change in home point location is minor, it’s no longer included in the “APP.tip” field.
See the release notes for a complete list of changes.
A new version of Flight Reader is available. Release 1.7.8 includes the following changes:
For drone models with dual batteries, the serial numbers for both batteries are now stored in the SERIAL.battery and SERIAL.battery2 fields.
Serial numbers can be found in the RECOVER.*, DETAILS.*, and SERIAL.* fields depending on where they are extracted from flight logs. All serial numbers have been combined together and stored in the SERIAL.* fields. When referencing serial numbers, use the SERIAL.* fields as they now provide the most complete data.
Added more size options to the Log Viewer Map Size setting in the General section of the Flight Reader Options window, allowing greater customization of the Google Map height in the Map log viewer.
Flight path markers on the Google Map are now only displayed when the home point is initially set or manually reset by the pilot. While small automatic home point adjustments, such as those made by drone models like the Air 3S, are still logged in the APP.tip field with "Home Point Updated" messages, they will no longer appear as markers on the Google map to reduce visual clutter.
See the release notes for a complete list of changes.
A new version of Flight Reader is available. Release 1.7.9 includes the following changes:
Resolved an issue that prevented photo and video data from being extracted from Mini 2 flight logs.
When opening the map view for a processed flight log, the map will use the current “Log viewer map size” setting from the “General” section of the Flight Reader Options window instead of the size that was selected when the flight log was processed.
See the release notes for a complete list of changes.
A new version of Flight Reader is available. Release 1.7.12 includes the following changes:
Added a new OSD.tiltInclination field to display the drone’s overall tilt angle, showing how much it leans relative to a level horizon during flight.
Add new fields DETAILS.droneManufacturer, DETAILS.droneModel, and DETAILS.droneManufacturerModel allowing the drone’s manufacturer and model names to be shown separately or combined.
C1 and C2 button presses from all DJI RC remote controllers are now captured in the RC.custom1Depressed and RC.custom2Depressed fields.
Resolved an issue introduced in Flight Reader version 1.7.9 where the CAMERA.isVideo field could incorrectly remain set to True after video recording stopped.
See the release notes for a complete list of changes.