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Diopter lens


Oct 22, 2019
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Madison, FL
Hello all, new pilot and new to the forum. I just bought the Attitude V5 and not happy with them at all. I had lasik surgery for distance long time ago and need 1.5x readers for computer work or to read a book. Why are there no + size diopter lens, only -2, -4, -6. I ground down some cheap reader lens and stuck them in the goggles. Works ok but not great.
What would be a good set of goggles for me, box type? Thanks
Yea, that’s the tough thing about this hobby. Unless you have plenty of local buddies or a nearby hobby shop you can’t try out stuff before you buy.

I too use reading glasses but I just picked up the SkyZone Sky03o goggles and can see great with them. If you have an opportunity to try them that might help.

Put your location in your profile and maybe someone is nearby.

Good luck
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Yea, that’s the tough thing about this hobby. Unless you have plenty of local buddies or a nearby hobby shop you can’t try out stuff before you buy.

I too use reading glasses but I just picked up the SkyZone Sky03o goggles and can see great with them. If you have an opportunity to try them that might help.

Put your location in your profile and maybe someone is nearby.

Good luck
Just updated my location. I did watch some youtube vids on the skyzone. I do have a cheap ground station I watch, but not the same as goggles.
I sent the Attitude V5 back and exchanged them for the Scout. GetFPV said I can use my reading glasses with the Scout. I'll let you know how they work out.
I received the FatShark Scout goggles Saturday. Love them... They're very small and light weight for box style goggles. The picture is amazing and being able to wear my readers makes these goggles perfect for me. I like not having to wear a battery on the side of my head too.

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