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Diversity with Eachine EV800D goggles


Active Member
Jul 3, 2018
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I am new to FPV (and drones!) but am loving it. These goggle are great - but I don't think I am taking advantage of the "Diversity" receiver to maximize my video range? Does anyone know about Diversity? I have a Diatone GT M3 drone which has a TBS Unify VTX with just a simple whip antenna - I figure I probably need a better TX antenna but don't know what to get? Or maybe Diversity can work using the whip - I don't know!! Thanks.
So...........diversity has nothing to do with your Unify Pro transmitter, this is transmitting a 5.8hZ signal to your goggles. The "diversity" is the fact that your goggles contain 2 receivers instead of 1. This allows you to use 2 antennas, typically an omnidirectional for when your quad is close to you or out to the side and a patch or helical for when your quad is more of a distance away from you. This makes your goggles more "diverse".

And yes, that "whip" antenna on your Unify Pro will work OK but there are much better aftermarket products available. Personally, I've been using the VAS Minion lately
VAS Minion SMA 5.8GHz Antenna (RHCP)
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OK that makes sense, thanks - so the goggles have got what they need by the sounds of things but I have the opportunity for more range by switching to another aftermarket. Something like the VAS, I'm not sure how I would mount that on my Diatone chassis and I guess I would need a lead to go from the tiny aerial socket on the Unify ?
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OK! :) The VAS with UFL looks simplest. I think I read there is RHCP and LHCP variants - do you know how I can tell if the RHCP will be OK wit my goggles?
Newbie here :)
I had some range issues with my EV800D when flying indoors with my whoop, found out that diversity is not standard enabled and you need to switch to the diversity mode.
Only found that out after randomly pressing some buttons as mine did not came with a manual...
Dont forget that sometimes you can get a picture in your googles even thou you are on the wrong channel. The reception will be really bad so make sure you are on the right channel

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