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DJI FPV Backpack?

Yay, my MC Backpack has arrived !
(in fairness, its been waiting for pickup for a few days ... due to a DHL screw up)

first impressions:
seems high quality (time will tell)
good zips, nice material
everything fits nicely - and is ready to fly.
nice extra pockets, and zipped compartments.
backpack - shoulder straps are padded nicely, waistband is basic, but I really like even on a light rucksack.
comes with a rain cover, not really needed here in Spain... always good to see, esp when carry electronics.
feels pretty light with drone in it - so I think its doing to be comfortable.

overall, looks to be exactly what I was after - a way to take the drone on a hike, and be able to get it out quickly to fly, and then put away again.

negatives...none really, it is exactly what I expected/wanted.
but cons, i guess are:

- its expensive, but for if it works well - I think its worth it.
- its a medium size day sack, but if you consider, for a hike there is no space for water/snacks, a (large) camera.
ok, it has some pockets - so, could carry small water canister - but I often carry 2L bottles of waters.
however, its pretty much the size of the drone... so to have extra capacity would make it pretty large

of course, since I (pre)ordered it, things have changed...
Ive now also a 5" drone, so now wondering if I can somehow cram its bits in there too :)
I dont think so....
in fairness, the DJI FPV is really the one I want to take hiking, given its longer flight time and RTH/safety features.

anyway, the real test is when I take it hiking ... which will be very soon...

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Thanks @thetechnobear, I totally forgot to post my mini review!

I put my iFlight Alpha A85, Jumper T-lite, three 4s batteries, and spectrum charger in there, loose, pinned down by the 4 tightening straps, seems pretty safe. So, the case works as an FPV AIO for my entire FPV segment of the hobby for me:


So many pockets! Now that I have it, and have seen it, I would choose this soft case over the hard case without question, even if I never use it as backpack. I don't need waterproofing, I don't need heavy duty squishing or shock proofing,. What I need is versatility and pockets!

This case has them in spades! I plan to carefully think through where to place the A85 and the jumper T light, and then put some elastic Velcro bands in those places to hold them.

Even with extra stuff, it's all feather light on your back.
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I've notice the outside pocket is surprisingly big...
I can (amazingly) fit my Radiomaster TX16S in there using gimbal guards, so should be safe.
still space for a few lipos in the main section (Im not taking chargers with me hiking ;) )

I'm guessing I could then hang the 5" on the outside, perhaps use a bungie/string between the two side straps.

I like all the 'slots' in the main section, great for props, nd filters etc.
I like it – better on paper than the MC–CASES backpack I got.

I'll wait for @Kilrah 's feedback, if good I'll be selling and switching. The smaller form factor is quite valuable to me.
Yeah, found the MC too bulky and expensive... friend has one so I'll be able to compare. I'll have to figure out how to put my 4 batteries though, hopefully they fit in the side mesh pockets....
Best plan is maybe to wait for a local dealer to have them, lucky that it's the case here, $150 with free shipping.

I do find the MC huge and not really good quality for the price.
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View attachment 5330
Jup that one looks nice, not so nice price though, it isn't on Amazon.se.
My plan was to buy the mc one you got, price isn't that much of a factor, is it too big?
I'll very likely be selling my MC if @Kilrah likes it. Thinking U$150 + shipping from California, which certainly won't be $130, could it?
I really like the quality of the MC case, but I agree it's way overpriced. It'll come down with competition.

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