Ive just ordered some ORT Digieyes V2... as above, Ive been considering them for a while, so this 'reminder' pushed me over the edge

I'll try to do some updated tests when they arrive
ok, they arrived... and done some test flights....
will take me a few days to sort out the video though.
also, Im think I might do the test flight again with the stock antenna, now (since firmware update) that the goggles with the dji fpv drone report bitrate/latency (a proxy for signal strength)
my initial thoughts, but i need to verify...
- air unit, as expected (as they are linear antennas) perform better than stock antennas and ifight stubbies, but a
little poorer than the iFlight Crystal HD
- dji fpv, they seem a little better than the stock antenna, and definitely a lot better than the iFlight Crystal HD.
but , I really need to see some numbers to compare the stock antenna.
as I say, Im being a bit 'guarded' on if they are better than the stock antenna on the dji fpv drone, since in my last video I just 'called out' signal strength, so its a bit 'vague' - so Id really like to see some numbers.
overall, they seem to do as I hope....
they provide a much better experience than stock when used with the air unit, to the point they are very acceptable.
they provide at least as good, perhaps better (to be verified) than the stock with the dji fpv, and can be used in both 2.4 and 5.8ghz
this means they are very good if you are switching between air unit and dji fpv drones.
Id like to do some general flying and see if it 'opens up' areas that were weak spots before.
on a separate note, I also ordered some ORT Pagado Extreme for the air unit.
wowzers, they really are much better than the air unit antennas... to the point, I really wondered if my air unit antenna were damaged!
now I have to convince myself not to get a separate set of v2 gogges for the air unit...
so I can have digieyes v2 on one set (for dji drone), and iflight on the other (for air unit)
would also mean I dont have to keep rebinding...
(in fairness, this has been crossing my mind, so I can have a set for audience mode for friends/family)
perhaps one day, I can find a used set of v2s for a reasonable price