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DJI Motion Controller Survey

FPV Flier

Well-Known Member
Apr 20, 2021
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Jasper, Alabama
How many of you have the DJI motion controller and what do you think about it? I have one and I really like it. I use both controllers but just for ripping and fun flying I use the motion controller. I use the controller that came with the combo mainly for shooting video. But for everyday flying I'm using the mc just about all the time. If you have one what is your opinion? The only thing is you can't fly backwards but I don't fly backwards much anyway.
Have one but it's useless to me since I only fly manual.
Have one from the get go, used twice in over a year: to make sure it works and to show someone else, that's it.
At first I was just like you; I used the MC a lot because it is so intuitive, especially in S mode. But now I fly mostly in M mode so I use it a lot less. I still luv it though.
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I use it no and then and like it.
Its also great for allowing inexperienced flyers get the feel for flying fpv as its so intuitive for someone that has never used a controller
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I have never tried it and I don't plan to buy it, I find it a useless gadget.
I love the DJI PFV in manual mode with classic controller.
I love it in S mode for the fighter jet experience. Fly manual about half the time though, on sticks.
I fly manual, so don't use the MC. However, I have it for friends and family to use and they love flying with it.

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