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each one falcon 250 pro

Any suggestions what reviever to buy. The exact one I don't see on line. The pins are on the side not the top.
Thanks again. I ordered the FC and reviever. FC will be here tomorrow and reviever on Monday. Amazon prime. The FC board is not sending voltage to the reviever. I powered the reviever with another battery it did bind but not a good signal. I will report what happens with new parts. At least I got clean flight working and diagnosed a problem.
I replaced the reviever. The new FC was working on clean flight. It recommended flash newest firmware. My computer won't flash and now ports won't open. The original FC also worked on clean flight. My USB to UART settings says code 10. What type of computer works the best for clean flight
Hello. Thanks again. I have some good news.new reviever binding. FC OK. I unabled the driver and installed a silicon Labs driver picked from my computer. Works fine. I'm having problems with some setting. It connects and ramps up. Low stick does not stop motors, very fast. I changed something in horizon now seems to ramp down to no throttle. The snow melted so I'll go up the block to the field and try to hover. Wish me luck. Tomorrow is a blizzard so I'm hoping to just watch it move around in CF tragic since it works now. I will give back info as I gather it. Thanks again I appreciate any help. It is a cold world
I put the sides / top on in clean flight no props the lite armed and brrrr & smoke . I arm/disarm was ready to fly. After assembly of sides &top foof the smoke. At least the CF lite on my computer lit motor on. The body is grounding I will get plastic washers.
A spot on the front left corner is a open spot near the body pin. I chk/ my meter 14-gr. The body is smokin. Clean flight proved it.she schemmeals
It did reconnect to CF and reviever controls nicely to motors off good on smoothly. No blades proves board ground like others. Plastic washers.by for now

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