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EV800 Goggles - at their limit?

People are getting 4mi+ out of them so theres something wrong with my goggles it seems.
I can't picture getting that kind of range. My Fat Sharks with the Rapidfire module start breaking up just flying around the other side of the house and have lost video completely on the other side of the big garage only a couple few hundred feet away...
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There are actually a number of ways/reasons that this could be the case, even without an antenna attached the receiver will still see the signal, the antenna comes into play as the signal gets very weak, that is when a tuned antenna can collect more of the signal energy and get it to the receiver. Also a vTX doesn't put out one large signal at one frequency and nothing at other frequencies, there are side lobes and harmonics that are also produced, so it is easy to see a signal even when the RX is set to a frequency very far away from the vTX set frequency, but it will go to poop as you get some distance between the vTX and the RX. From what has been said here I would guess that the vRX on these goggles is damaged somehow.
Thanks for the detailed explanation, I was aware of those principles but I've never experienced it first hand with RF equipment. I'm going to assume there's something wrong with the goggles and move on to something else. Just not easy to find the issues in these tiny IC's without expensive equipment
I started with a set of Eachine knock off box goggles (Virchuck). They have two antennas but no diversity. The image was fine, the usb power port broke (but I hacked together a work around) and I still let other people use them for "ride alongs".

I bit the bullet and bought a set of Fatshark HDO's (a month BEFORE they came out with the version 2, ouch), a Rapid-fire module and a set of decent antennas for the goggles and my main fpv quad.

I know it's insane money and I had to save up for nearly a year to get them, BUT, I am SO happy with the results. DJI's digital entry (and hopefully other comparable competitors) might prove me wrong, but I am pretty sure that I will be happy using these goggles for MANY years. Here's why I like my current setup:

1. The range of this setup DESTROYS my Virchucks. I typically run out of RSSI before I run out of visual feed. (This has been an adjustment, as I have to pay attention to RSSI now.)

2. They are way more comfortable than box goggles. WAY more comfortable.

3. They are easier to tote around.

4. They are well built and don't feel cheap.

5. The image in the goggles is great with the OLED. No Youtube video accurately presents how good the actual view is. (Their built in DVR is not great, but, quite frankly no recorded analog signal is particularly wonderful.)

6. I threw a Caddx Ratel on my drone, and even though the view was good with my old camera in the HDO's, now it's even better!

I know it's a crazy cost, but, for me, I'm very happy that I waited and went for, what was at the time, arguably the best goggle/module combo available.

Good luck on your quest!

Peter T
I have been using ev800d with a rhcp, and a flat panel, I know I have been at least a little over 1/4 mile and still had great signal. Was running 400mw flysight vtx. Here is one of many videos. Go to around 3:30 in the video to see it with trees between me and the plane.

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