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flight times to 30% with different props

hq prop 5x4x6 in red
im still planning on balancing the carbon props and retesting, but still there has been no real reason to not use the dji props, they are the best in terms of hover time, i used hover time as the test because in flight there are too many variables and everyone flies different, just increasing forward speed increases transitional blade lift of the advancing blades, but then you have increased drag from the added speed and frontal frag area of the drone, so there are just too many variables.. and since hovering uses more power than sustained forward flight, (i mean in theory of course), flight time would slightly increase in forward flight cuz of transitional lift. so hover test has the least variables. and indoors i can control the ambient temp. on to the next prop.
I like the 5236 props over the stock bc they are much more responsive.
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Waiting to hear what you found. Only crash I had was when mine threw a Master Airscrew in flight.

I have found some very quiet Lumier Butter Cutter6632 but I don't think the flight time is as good.
every time i try to find the butter cutters they are out of stock i will keep looking
added more props and updated the 5236. IN RED the floppy proppy is a removable blade deal, i assembled them them and tried but the vibration was so bad that it immediately flew towards a cardboard box and 2 of the blades and shattered and only thing left was the hubs, im not sure i will retry these too much trouble to be a cheap replace and fly quickly deal for me.

the starlight 51433 also vibrated badly and would not hover i always test without balance to see if they need to be balanced first, some guys dont have a balancer and that would be a killjoy for someone expecting to bolt them on and go. i will put these with the carbon props to be balanced and retry.

found butter cutters in stock put em up as soon as i get em
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I thought they were discontinued. I just bought the Gate Breakers for my FPV.

what a coincidence i just tested the gate breaker, butter cutter, balance rcstq carbon, and a luminier 4 blade prop, im workin on adding them now
well the dji prop is still king of the hill on hover time ,

the rcstq carbon after balancing came dangerously close to matching the dji but close is not enough ..they are not cheap and they have no resistance to coming in contact to any surface or object so they are just not an economical replacement but if you want cool they are there.

i finally found a set of butter cutters and as you can see they did not disappoint, also came close to matching the dji props, and for the price they are in my humble opinion a good replacement and cheaply as well, and if they perform as well as most tell me they do then even better.

the gatebreaker didnt do bad , it seemed to be pretty quiet, not so much of that angry bee sound. but a hover test is not the best test for the gatebreaker
the 4 bladed did ok and were really quiet (to my ears anyway, but i have high frequency hearing loss in both ears ) but the butter cutter is the clear winner on time in hover and cheap replacement..out of all the blades ive tested other than the djis.

i should add that after checking i had to balancing everyone of these sets of blades. once on the balancer the imbalanced just jumps out at you.. so what i have learned is that if you max flight time, your bearings to last, low motors temps.. you need to balance your blades. all of the 3 bladed sets had two heavy blades that matched and one very light one, so two had to be reduced in weight and i added a little tape to the light one to get them all to balance. i wanted to avoid removing too much material from the blades for obvious reasons.\

i used fresh batteries charged one at time so i could remove right off the charger and go.. all had 17 flights on them.
when i test these i do it n the house to have the same test conditions, and i dont touch the control other than to straighten or correct a drift from hitting the wall, in order to get as close to the same test conditions and all props get a fair shake...

i am planning on testing flight characteristics at some point but like yourself, we are rained in...weve had more rain in 2 weeks this month than 4 years combined for jan..building the stroker for the vet and working ion that build keeps me pretty busy, too many hobbies

but even still im not the best drone pilot so im sure i would be the best for that critique, but i will do my best .
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