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flight times to 30% with different props


Active Member
Sep 15, 2021
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i bought a bunch of props to do some testing cuz i wanted the quietest props i could get
so the following are all results
1. , indoors in the shade, room temp 77F
2. from 100 to 30%
3. straight from the charger as soon as they finished charging, using the same battery pack and letting it sit for 1 hour before charging it to allow for complete cooldown
4. locked in position with the brake button.
5. sound measurement take 5 feet from the rear of the bird at 4 feet high.
6. motor temps taken just before landing at 30%
7. check laser temp with my type k thermocouple and it was dead on..maybe a 1/10 degree difference
8. decibel reading with an app on android phone.
9. i ran 1 pack outside to check the difference in indoor and outdoor decibel readings and the difference was so little the app could not tell a db difference.
10. i cannot explain the differences in motor temps, front front to rear motors.it just is what it is. LOL, upon landing the motor temps would go up between 4-6 deg F from heat soak im guessing

ducted fan prop 76mm x 8
5 min 25 sec
hottest front motor FL 86.5f
hottest rear motor RL 84.6
77-78 decibels
way too small flexible and tough
from getfpv.com

ducted fan prop 89mmx8
6 min 15 sec
hottest front motor FL 89.4f
hottest rear motor RL 86.1f
75-76 decibels
too small BUT bendy and tough
from getfpv.com

ducted fan prop 4 x 4 x 6
7 min 50 sec
hottest front motor FL 98.6f
hottest rear motor RL 87.3f
76-77 decibels
quiet prop , durable, but too small and flight times suffer quite a bit. will bend back into shape if they are bent in a crash
from getfpv.com

4.8 x 3.4 x 4
9 min 3 sec
hottest front motor FL 95.5f
hottest rear motor RL 85.7f
78-79 decibels
durable, dont bite like my favorite gemfan, and losing flight time..but still a great prop they are bendy and tough enough to bend back into shape
from getfpv.com

hq prop 5x4x6
hottest front motor FR 91
hottest rear motor RL 91
30% 8'43"24
25% 9'18"23
20% 9'53"15
15% 10'30"14
10% 11'05"18
62.4-70.9 AVG 65.9 decibels
this is now the quietest prop, in sport mode i got a motor overload, judging by hover time test, its too much prop, in flight its a little twitchy but has good bite, although ir seems a bit sluggish and responds slover to control inputs, kind of like having big gyros for propellers. i think a version of these with 5 blades would do quite a bit better.

GEMFAN Hurricane 4937 Hurricane 3-Blade Propeller 4.9X3.7X3
hottest front motor FR 95.4
hottest rear motor RL 96.8
30% 8'52"20
25% 9'23"84
20% 9'58"58
15% 10'32"48
10% had to land from a return to home attempt in the house
decibels MAX 71.9 AVG 68.2

GEMFAN Floppy Proppy F5135 3-Blade
TOO MUCH VIBRATION,no hover crashed into a box blades shattered on impact, wont try these again
hottest front motor
hottest rear motor

GEMFAN Starlight 51433 3-Blade clear no leds, lots of vibration would not hover, ill balance and retry
hottest front motor
hottest rear motor

GEMFAN 5236 5.2X3.6X3
hottest front motor FR 96F
hottest rear motor RL 96.4F
30% 9'13"34
25% 9'49"34
20% 10'27"25
15% 11'07"15
10% 11'42"37
decibels 66.2 - 71.5 AVG 69.1
good bit, more aggressive than factory but no over aggressive,, i like this one

GEMFAN 5 x 4 x 6
hottest front motor FL 100.2f
hottest rear motor RL 91.8f
77-78 decibels
30%- 9'34"45
quietest usable prop..great bite and speed ,,seems really aggressive, durability is ok, but not great ,,these are razor sharp and will do damage to human flesh. when props hit hard objects they tend to shatter and not bend,
got these off ebay cuz no one else had em

30% - 9 MIN 2 SEC
hottest front motor FL 100.4f
hottest rear motor RL 91.6f
good bite,,,super durable,,good acceleration. i crashed and bent two propellers with the blades at a 90 deg angle and was able to bend them back into shape and fly on..these are tough as all hell.
straight from dalprop,com cuz no one else had em
79-80 decibels

hottest front motor fl 95.2
hottest rear motor rl 85.5
30% 9'20"21
25% 9'58"41
20% 10'36"33
15% 11'15"54
10% 11'50"80

5.3 x 2.8 x 3
10min 38sec
hottest front motor FL 94.5f
hottest rear motor RL 89.2f
80-81 decibels
best flight time, loudest, not very durable, will shatter or break off on impact with hard objects, but it takes a good smack
came on the bird.

5.3 X 2.8 X 3 purchased from ebay
hottest front motor fr 80.1
hottest rear motor rl 80.2
vibrations caused a rear and right lift off, wobbling in a hover you can see in the goggles side to side and front to back they bite better than the djis and are a bit more aggressive and are quieter ,i really like these except for the vibrations causing the problems, i put my hand under the battery in a hover and the vibrations are excessive, i wont be using these unless i can balance them. were it not for the vibrations i think these would have beat the dji props in hover time.
79 decibel max
30% 10'15"54
25% 10'57"79
20% 11'38"73
15% 12'18"76
10% 13'03"35
balanced rcstq carbon
decibel 66.3-74.3 avg 69.5
hottest front motor fl 78.1
hottest rear motor rl 77.2
30% 10'28"21
25% 11'02"54
20% 11'46"08
15% 12"29"42
10% 13'23"07

LUMENIER 6631 5x5x3 Butter cutter
hottest front motor FR 84.5
hottest rear motor RR 82.8
30% 10'23"48
25% 11"04'33
20% 11'43"74
15% 12'23"01
10% 12"49"23
decibels 64.4-75.6 avg 78.5

LUMENIER 8644 5X3.7X4
hottest front motor FR 82.5
hottest rear motor RR 80.9
30% 9"38"57
25% 9"57"76
20% 10'34"39
15% 11'00"21
10% 11'51"08
decibels 67.6-71.2 avg 68.3

hottest front motor FR 81.1
hottest rear motor RL 79.1
30% 9"42"
25% 10'18"
20% 10'55"
15% 11'34"
10% 12'14"
decibels 65.4-73.7 avg 68.9

all of the above i got from getfpv.com except those mentioned

it appears dji got the prop size right..if i could find a prop as quiet as the hq 5x4x6 that could match the dji props flight time to 30% and stay under 100 deg id be a happy camper ...like a ducted 110mm x3.5 x 8 lol

if you guys know of one i could try and i can find it id be happy to try it.
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Just reading what you posted put me out of breath. What you did was great and gave some good information but if you ever do it again you might want to get a laser thermometer to record the motor temperature instead of the burn the finger test. But regardless, good testing and good info. I may try some of the props from what you posted. Good Job!!!
IS the gemfan the quietest prop? What are your stop prop times to compare to this? What props do you consider best and why?
i bought a bunch of props to do some testing cuz i wanted the quietest props i could get
so the following are all hovering results at 4 feet, indoors in the shade, from 100 to 30%
straight from the charger as soon as they finished charging, using the same battery pack and letting it sit for 1 hour before charging it to allow for complete cooldown

ducted fan prop 76mm x 8
5 min 25 sec
motors getting heat in them.. not painnful to touch but you can tell they are hotter

ducted fan prop 89mmx8
6 min 15 sec
sam hotter motor temps

ducted fan prop 4 x 4 x 6
7 min 50 sec
motors a bit warmer than the bigger props but not as hot as the ducted smaller props

4.8 x 3.4 x 4
9 min 3 sec
motors warm not hot at , similar bite to stock blades but just a bit quieter than the 3 bladed props

5 x 4 x 6
9 min 34 sec
motors warm not hot all.. bite more than the spitfire very snatchy and aggressive but pretty quiet..at 60 fedt cruising by at about 40mph you can bately hear them..at ground level they are the quietest so far with longest hover time

5.1 X 4.7 X 3
motors warm not hot all a bit more bite than hq prop 4.8x3.4x4

TESTING THE dji prop next .. should have tested it first but i had already put on the prop adapters
just though maybe this might be helpful to someone.
Great information! Could you please add some links to where you can get the props? 😉
Waiting for the stock props test since if they do anything close then there's no point bothering.
Also they should be tested in more conditions, hovering is one thing but do they lose lift or efficiency when flying 100km/h in manual?
Yes ill be doing the stock props tommorow..man i hope the stock props dont blow the gemfan 5x4x6 props oit of the water on hover time..

Although the smaller ducted props did get hotter it was never hot enough that i had to pull my finger away but if you guys fly them aggressively in manual mode i would imagine they will get quite a bit hotter

tommorow if i get some down gime ill add temps..j did think about the laser temp gun till after i was already done ..it was in the toolbox the whole time ...

Im sorry i can not test in manual mode because for now im stuck with MC cuz i only got 1 hand ..interestingky the gemfan 5x4x6 props will overshoot the speedlimiter in sport mode to 62.5mph then back down to 59.9...none of yhe other props will overshoot like that consistently...it seems like it really wants to go lol..wish i could get it goin max speed in sport mode lol..

So far my favorite is the gemfan 5x4x6 cuz it bites hardest ..accelerates the best..and responds yesterday to mg inputs to the MC and i yhink they were the. Cheapest..

I will find the reiprs and post links for you guys ..i appreciate you reading it and truly hope it helps you guys out
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man im disappointed... the dji props blew even the gemfans out of the water on hover time. i should have said the gemfan 5x4x6 are the quietest usable props, but not the most durable .a small ducted one was the quietest but too small to use in my humble opinion

the most durable so far are the dalprop spitfire and HQ PROP 4.8 x 3.4 x 4 with almost identical hover times. the dji prop hover time is no joke.. if you guys have one in mind that you think would have the dji hover time and as quiet as the hq prop ducted 89x8 props hit me and ill order some and report back..
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i bought a bunch of props to do some testing cuz i wanted the quietest props i could get
so the following are all results
1. , indoors in the shade, room temp 77F
2. from 100 to 30%
3. straight from the charger as soon as they finished charging, using the same battery pack and letting it sit for 1 hour before charging it to allow for complete cooldown
4. locked in position with the brake button.
5. sound measurement take 5 feet from the rear of the bird at 4 feet high.
6. motor temps taken just before landing at 30%
7. check laser temp with my type k thermocouple and it was dead on..maybe a 1/10 degree difference
8. decibel reading with an app on android phone.
9. i ran 1 pack outside to check the difference in indoor and outdoor decibel readings and the difference was so little the app could not tell a db difference.
10. i cannot explain the differences in motor temps, front front to rear motors.it just is what it is. LOL, upon landing the motor temps would go up between 4-6 deg F from heat soak im guessing

ducted fan prop 76mm x 8
5 min 25 sec
hottest front motor FL 86.5f
hottest rear motor RL 84.6
77-78 decibels
way too small flexible and tough
from getfpv.com

ducted fan prop 89mmx8
6 min 15 sec
hottest front motor FL 89.4f
hottest rear motor RL 86.1f
75-76 decibels
quietest prop but to small , bendy and tough
from getfpv.com

ducted fan prop 4 x 4 x 6
7 min 50 sec
hottest front motor FL 98.6f
hottest rear motor RL 87.3f
76-77 decibels
quiet prop , durable, but too small and flight times suffer quite a bit. will bend back into shape if they are bent in a crash
from getfpv.com

4.8 x 3.4 x 4
9 min 3 sec
hottest front motor FL 95.5f
hottest rear motor RL 85.7f
78-79 decibels
durable, dont bite like my favorite gemfan, and losing flight time..but still a great prop they are bendy and tough enough to bend back into shape
from getfpv.com

5 x 4 x 6
9 min 35 sec
hottest front motor FL 100.2f
hottest rear motor RL 91.8f
77-78 decibels
quietest usable prop..great bite and speed ,,seems really aggressive, durability is ok, but not great ,,these are razor sharp and will do damage to human flesh. when props hit hard objects they tend to shatter and not bend,
got these off ebay cuz no one else had em

5.1 X 4.7 X 3
hottest front motor FL 100.4f
hottest rear motor RL 91.6f
79-80 decibels
good bite,,,super durable,,good acceleration. i crashed and bent two propellers with the blades at a 90 deg angle and was able to bend them back into shape and fly on..these are tough as all hell.
straight from dalprop,com cuz no one else had em

5.3 x 2.8 x 3
10min 38sec
hottest front motor FL 94.5f
hottest rear motor RL 89.2f
80-81 decibels
best flight time, loudest, not very durable, will shatter or break off on impact with hard objects, but it takes a good smack
came on the bird.

all of the above i got from getfpv.com

it appears dji got the prop size right..if i could find a prop as quiet as the 79mmx8 ducted prop that could match the dji props flight time to 30% and stay under 100 deg id be a happy camper ...like a ducted 110mm x3.5 x 8 lol

if you guys know of one i could try and i can find it id be happy to try it.
So, at the end, DJI's are best? Good to know as they are only available here ;) Thank you for Your efforts!
Well that depends on what your after
If its longest flight times ..then yes
If its availability.durability.. lowest noise..more aggressive bite..most acceleration..then no
The main reason i started trying other props was for cheaper..more availability and more durability

If i find something that flies as long or longer than djis prop i will let you guys know
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Well that depends on what your after
If its longest flight times ..then yes
If its availability.durability.. lowest noise..more aggressive bite..most acceleration..then no
The main reason i started trying other props was for cheaper..more availability and more durability

If i find something that flies as long or longer than djis prop i will let you guys know
I have ~1000 km with DJI props with no problems so far - so it seems ok for me ;)
On this aircraft either you don't break props or you have bigger issues 😛
A little less loud is still going to be too loud, so meh.

135 flights here, so 16ish hours of flight. Did break one set, but that was because I was distracted and put them on in the wrong order before I got my backpack where I can leave them on. Can order a set and it's here next day.
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On this aircraft either you don't break props or you have bigger issues 😛
A little less loud is still going to be too loud, so meh.

135 flights here, so 16ish hours of flight. Did break one set, but that was because I was distracted and put them on in the wrong order before I got my backpack where I can leave them on. Can order a set and it's here next day.
funny we have similar flight experiance - never crashed it yet ;)
Same, no crashes. Don't have detailed stats since I don't use an app and always keep it offline but just write down the number of flights.
I agree with you guys on your views..ive only had 2 mishaps which were unexplained..other than that no crashes at all..its been really fun for me and so much less stressful than flying my turbine powered scale helicopters..i just wish i could get max speed with the MC. Its a fun bit of kit. Yes..Its hard to get propellers to be quiet when spinning at these rpms..

Small flips and mishaps are not a problem for the stock props..its the high speed smacks with non movable objects..but when those happen props are the least of worries..
The MC is slower to respond to inputs than the stick transmitter so it requires a bit more planning ahead but its still fun ..
im just happy that dji made the MC .thats what made this a no brainer for me ..i just need 3 more batteries for a total of 7 and ill be in hog heaven lol.
Keep enjoying em fellas
Rik out
I agree with you guys on your views..ive only had 2 mishaps which were unexplained..other than that no crashes at all..its been really fun for me and so much less stressful than flying my turbine powered scale helicopters..i just wish i could get max speed with the MC. Its a fun bit of kit. Yes..Its hard to get propellers to be quiet when spinning at these rpms..

Small flips and mishaps are not a problem for the stock props..its the high speed smacks with non movable objects..but when those happen props are the least of worries..
The MC is slower to respond to inputs than the stick transmitter so it requires a bit more planning ahead but its still fun ..
im just happy that dji made the MC .thats what made this a no brainer for me ..i just need 3 more batteries for a total of 7 and ill be in hog heaven lol.
Keep enjoying em fellas
Rik out
I have 4 batt's and inverter and PS in my car and never ran out of juice - having up to 9 flights per day and having always all batt's charged when coming home ;)
Same, no crashes. Don't have detailed stats since I don't use an app and always keep it offline but just write down the number of flights.
Hmmmmm... define "crash" 😁😁

By my thinking, I haven't crashed yet either, but I have taken two inconsequential "tumbles" flying real close to the ground, one throwing the battery, when a prop got a tall piece of grass wound around it.

You mistakenly think you'll just "Lawnmower" through those few 2.5' tall strands...
i added 2 more props to the list in blue, waiting on a gemfan 5236 to see how it performs. too bad those carbon ones vibrated so much.
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