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Flying at school


Well-Known Member
May 27, 2017
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Florida USA
We got out today to a local spot.
we flew here in the early spring. This time NateDogg was applying every move from home field. four batteries in he was stringing new lines together. lots of crashes in the first four batteries though. got stuck in that big tree once. ( :
should have replaced the blades instead of just straighten them.. sorry for the jello
Funny enough I have just started talking a camping chair with me when I drive to spots.( alot of times I ride)
They make a big difference I feel. You tend to keep your head more still.
Looks like a great day too.
Still rain here, don't think spring is gonna happen.
We'll just wake up one day and it will be 40 degrees.
winter is coming.. but not for florida!
he he. winter here is when you can stand to be outside for very long. its still hot and sweaty but itle get better in November. i hope you get some flying in before it's too cold there.
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riding a bike is great exercise and you appreciate the trip alot more. my time is running out as he's getting older, There's nothing more important than watching Nathaniel being happy while i still can.
i work harder than i should so we play hard but never enough. to Nate this is normal. its the time spent that counts, doesn't matter what your doing.
my parents made me take piano lessons. now I play for local churches. I made Nate take riding lessons (7 years of them weekly) his last horse was a tiny 13.3hand Arabian named "Prince Charming" (Prince). At 18yo already, prince was a flighty bastard of a horse.
in the end, Prince hurt Nathaniel bad enough he stopped riding. Nate still has a bum knee. my third wife (his mom) loved horses so we had a few. being single now is much less expensive. No more horses but the experience was priceless.
... just a little background into what made NateDogg. hope y'all don't mind the back story on a drone forum. ( ;
heres NateDogg this last spring. 7 rivers in 7 days. this is the story of the first river.. his brother Brett is the main narrator. like and subscribe! its a cool story and 6 more rivers to publish.
Nate is usually in the front, red and black dry suit.
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