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Flying backwards with the motion controller

Big Fil

Nov 3, 2022
Reaction score
Just wanted to share an odd behavior I had with my Avata the other day. I was flying around the other day at a local river spot from within my vehicle as it was pretty windy and cold. Had just started the flight and was probably about 50 yards away and a few feet high when I thought I heard a noise behind me so I hit pause on the MC and pulled up my goggles to see what the noise was. The noise turned out to be nothing so back into the goggles and the Avata in the same places I left it on pause all of the sudden starts flying backwards. The pause icon was still up on the screen and with no controller inputs it continued to fly backwards at a few MPH. tried to unpause with no response then held the button down and RTH seemed to do the trick to stop the backwards flight. Cancelled the RTH and had full control for the rest of the flight. Anyone know what might cause this?
Wind? Low GPS? High Kp index? Magnetic interference (smart watch)? Those are about the only things that I can think of that might cause this to happen.
Wow and I actually wanted to learn if the motion controller you could fly in reverse and sideways, oh I see a post that is on the subject......nevermind!

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