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FPV black video


Active Member
Jan 19, 2018
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I have furibee x215 and I just got eachine ev100 and when I do automatic search for signal on googles, it finds the signal but I get just black video, looks like camera on the drone is off or something...any ideas what can be wrong?
I have tried both, none is working. I found out later today that the camera connector on the board was disconnected, had to solder it back in. Checked contacts, all 3 (+, -, V) should be okay but still same result.

I dont know maybe Im just doing it wrong but I do auto search and it most of the time finds the same channel and band. Do I have to set band and channel on the drone VTX (on that little screen)? Cause I set it to A 3 but when I go to band A CH 3 on googles, no video...

Btw, is there a way to check if the camera is actually working? So I know whether the googles are bad or the drone?
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Make sure you have the proper antenna connectors, this is a common problem
There are two types of similar antenna connector sets, SMA and RP-SMA. Here are the four possible connectors. Drone always has a jack (bottom row), antenna always has a plug (top row). The male/female designations are confusing as hell.
Connectors should be okay I didnt change them or anything, they are okay.
I can change channels and bands on the VTX, there are A, b, c, d, e bands and each has 8 CH. I can change them using that little button on the board.
Regarding the soldering part, I checked for continuity. I get signal on all 3 wires going from the camera connector all the way on the board where I soldered that connector.

I can also feel that there is power in the camera because it is warm.
Yes, I tried a couple and still same. When I change channel on vtx and I autosearch on googles, it finds some signal on different frequency than before but it is solid black with no stripes or anything. Just pure black, ... To me, seems like connected but no video input. I might be wrong though.
Sounding like the antenna connector issue i posted above
There are two types of similar antenna connector sets, SMA and RP-SMA. Here are the four possible connectors. Drone always has a jack (bottom row), antenna always has a plug (top row). The male/female designations are confusing as hell.
Cant be the antenna. I have it exactly as its been shipped and I also checked it and it fits. Same for googles.
Check and make SURE the connectors are matching. If its not this, sounds like your camera may be bad because you are getting a signal but no pic
Connectors are matching 100%. Well too bad there is no way to check the camera some other way.
Sometimes the pins inside of the camera connector (the female on the cameras back) get bent, check that also
I'm pretty sure a new camera will fix it if none of the above works (or goggles bad)
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I have tried to find signal again and I left band and channel unchanged on the drone and did autosearch on googles 4 times and every time it found different channel.
can you manually change/set channels?
If so, try manually setting the channels on vtx and goggles

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