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Freestyle props out or in?

props out or in for freestyle

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Well-Known Member
May 27, 2017
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Florida USA
There are great arguments both ways. props out gets through scraggle better but throws grass into your stack. props in throws grass into the camera but sucks you into branches.
Anyone flying props out?
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One advantage is that most tend to break one type of prop more than the other. If you end up with not many CW and a bunch of CCW, just reverse rotation for a while.
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Im working on (collecting vid) for a "save" show. we fly props in and crash into grass constantly. its a toss up as to props in for grass crashes or props out to fight scraggle. the vid will show the props in fight but Im still not convinced on props out.
believe me! we fly close proximity and even in Florida there's scraggle.... Its a fun question ...

can you setup an easy way to switch or is it drudgery every time going from innie to outie?
My Motor wires have connectors (makes it easy to try different setups), so easy to switch two wires to reverse the motor and then change props.....
Out is the way to go. My only rig that isn't reversed is my BNF rig because I didn't want to mess with the factory solder, and I can't access BL heli 32 (mac)

BTW, does anyone have a BL32 solution for the Mac?
I switched over to props out back when I was strictly brushed and got tired of mowing grass and having to clean everything afterwards and never looked back.

The only exception is with my frankenwhoop since the guy I bought it off of glued the motors into the frame and I am not about to kill the frame to swap the motors around.
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Do you have the story of this quad up somewhere?

I might have mentioned at some point. It was a purchase off of a cheap whoop FB group. No complaints on the whoop, just that he glued the motors and camera into the mount.

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