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got a question about my set

That looks like a fine starter set. As you improve in our sport you can "upgrade" to a Fatshark ot my personal favorite a Skyzone goggle. You will be quite capable with that, but may have issues of light getting in. With Mods that can be improved (if needed).
Ah thank you. Well i buyed the fatshark also . but found a problem with it . I use glasses and what they deliver as the glasses -2 -4 -6 are crap . So personal i took the fatshark to the store where i got my glasses and let them make special once's on my eyes only . Better then was fatshark is offering.
I like it to just do like me and out fly your set you will begin to crave more of what you need and the crap that's out there you don't like a trinity head tracker which is a cool concept but an ultimate disaster going 60 mph any way good luck and fly with us in south ga.
Ah thank you. Well i buyed the fatshark also . but found a problem with it . I use glasses and what they deliver as the glasses -2 -4 -6 are crap . So personal i took the fatshark to the store where i got my glasses and let them make special once's on my eyes only . Better then was fatshark is offering.

Hey, I'm planning on doing the same can they work the lenses in? If so, do they work? I can see fine without my glasses, but when I have glasses I see in UHD 4K if you will.

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