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Greetings from Wine Country, CA


New Member
Aug 24, 2021
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Found Tiny Whoops on youtube a couple months back, took the plunge with a cheap RTF kit from HGLRC, a Peterel 75 which I fly with 1s batteries... in stable mode (horizon mode?)

I have flown the heck out of this little thing, pretty much every day over the last three weeks, have invested in more batteries and now fly 10 packs at a time, bought some very nice eachine EV00O goggles... and am waiting for more drones and a Radiomaster T16S in a week!

I'll intend to learn Betaflight and OpenTX before posting a bunch of silly questions... I have them now but they are probably mostly related to the lame radio control that came with my set.

Except one... lately my little drone wants to go backwards when sticks are centered, what could cause this? calibration drift? failing motor? Also sometimes on arming only 3 motors spin up, sometimes only 2. One motor in particular sticks more than the others, is this indicative of a failing motor? (replacements on order, I'm hooked!)


In my limited experience, these small quads will drift around more than the bigger ones. Especially if there's any air movement; such as wind when flying outdoors, or from air conditioning or an open window while flying indoors. But if it consistently moves backwards, it likely the accelerometers needing calibration. You can easily calibrate the accelerometers using BetaFlight (without getting into all of the more complicated settings available). There's also the possibility of it being poor centering of the transmitter sticks, not always going back to the same center spot.

As for the motors, I'd guess that it would more likely be a wiring issue ... something coming loose. Or maybe the ESC. If all of the motors feel the same when spinning them by hand, I doubt there's a problem with one. If you feel inclined to tinker with it (not sure if soldering would be involved), you could swap a couple motors around to see if the problem moves with the motor.
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