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Hello from Gurnee, Illinois

Welcome to the forum! :)
Welcome to the forum 👍👍
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Welcome to the forum!! I grew up in the suburbs up there, is Great America still around?
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Welcome to the forum!! I grew up in the suburbs up there, is Great America still around?
Great America is still here. They are always adding new rides. I haven't been there in about 10 years since my kids have grown up.
Hello, I've flown DJI M2P and Mini 2 for a while and enjoy them. I'm looking to kick the game up a notch and learn about the FPV side of the drone world.

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I bet it’s been 30 years for me
It has been only a year for me. My first time there was just after it opened and it was Mariott's Great America back then (mid 70's) long before selling it to Six Flaggs. I actually played there for two years in a show about a decade ago.

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Hello, I've flown DJI M2P and Mini 2 for a while and enjoy them. I'm looking to kick the game up a notch and learn about the FPV side of the drone world.
I was born in Chicago and grew up in Waukegan. I moved to Tennessee in the mid 90's.
Welcome to the forum and the addiction known as FPV... I have been hooked for a couple of years now.


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