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Hello from MavicPilots

Well welcome to the forum Thunder .face-yellow-loop-59.emoji.png
Question, I haven't tested this out in the fields yet, but I have my failsafe set to land with a throttle value of 1100. I also have it set to turn on the beeper, anti-gravity mode, and horizon mode, and to remain powered on at that throttle for 10 seconds, before disarming. My arm minimum ESC value is set to 1040. So why are some of the motors as the drone revs on my carpet, prop-less, dropping to below 1040 resulting in motor oscillations?
Most people set it to drop, you are basically setting up a fly-away...imo
My first build naturally isn't the best. It flies, and it flies fast, but the battery is strapped to the bottom. Ideally I would like it to not drops as hard. I set the throttle to a value that will still have it descend, just not freefall, and the horizon mode should level out drone on disconnect, so it won't continue it's path except for what's left in the inertia. Like I said not tested.
Been a while since using betaflight so...not even sure thats the problem. If you have a sure disarm, put on props and try it out, may be ok
Well, it's already out of service. :/ One of the quick release prop adapters blew apart during a propless motorless rev. Contacted DJI.

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