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Hello ! looking for suggestions.........

Yeah, that's it, Hobby King. Seems like there's a Hobby everything over there! I've seen Helipad as well but haven't ordered anything from them either.

Forgot to mention, I buy most of my stuff from Amazon too. Followed by banggood, then Helipal.
Thank you very much !
Probably gonna take me a month to get everything I need together, with the holidays and all.
I will stay in touch as I get some traction !

Danny Z

This guy provides a lot of info as well. He can get a bit over my head but he seems to really know his stuff.


Jerry, Just took a look at the channel......looks really good,
As much as I love these forums, sometimes a phone call works a lot better if you or The green orange would like to have a phone conversation just let me know !

Danny Z

Yes, all of the digging, reading and researching can get a bit overwhelming for me but that's half the fun of it, I suppose. Send me a PM (the little envelope in the upper right hand corner thepage) if you want to talk.

OK, sitting here thinking after dinner and Im trying to understand all the different opinions about how far to discharge a Lipo pack................thought please......................
Typically you use a quality charger like the affordable imax b6. There are two options, a discharge mode to use before a recharge, and storage discharge for if you won't be using it for a while (this doesn't discharge as low). You never want to discharge below 3V per cell.
So if I don't want to discharge below 3v per cell, and I fly a 4s pack.........does that mean I don't want to go below 9 volts ?

Do you do a "discharge" mode after every flight ?

Do you need to wait for a pack to "cool down" before recharging ?

What is the typical recharge time for a 4s 1300MAh pack
4s would be 12 volts. 9V is for 3S. You don't have to discharge after every flight, but it may be a good idea after a short flight, or periodically like every 10th flight or something. But if you are flying until around 12V it really isn't necessary. Discharging to only 3.2V per cell may be better for the battery, with a periodic discharge to 3 per cell.

The charge rate depends on the battery, which should come with a charging C rating. Generally you charge at 1C to get the most life out of the battery which takes 1 hour. Charging at 2C is pretty common which takes a half hour. You can use a charging board to charge multiple batteries at once.
what is average flight time on a 4s pack for a "fairly" aggressive freestyle flight ?
I'm heading to my local UPS in a few minutes to pick up my Taranis plus and Dominator V3 goggles, I have already downloaded and installed Free Rider, I have also purchased an hdmi to analog converter, hoping to use the V3's with the software to maybe get a head start on non weather days...........
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Yeah, it can be quite nerve racking when getting the hang of it. Also with lower throttle, crashes and all, it will take at least 15 minutes per pack for a while.
If you will be using a charging board to do multiple packs at once, you will want to get identical spec packs. 1300mAh is most common, I have been using all 1550mAh and I have no issues. 1300mAh is nice since they should be lighter, and you can charge 4 of them at nearly 1C with a 5A charger like the imax b6.
ok, just got back and un boxed everything !, the Taranis is charging.....The goggles have their velcro insert in, BTW, where do you order extra foam inserts

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