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Hello ! looking for suggestions.........

I have not yet purchased a charger, what do you recommend to do the fat shark battery ?
Green Orange & Jtrjr,

Thank you for the great tips........Here is a quick update as to what has come in the mail for me:

I have received my Taranis radio, Fatshark Dominator V3's, New wave Rx board for the v3's, I have also recieved the immersion spironet antenne for the quad and the headset, and have also read a VERY good tip that I was not aware of: Do not connect the battery to the quad without the antenna hooked up to the VTX, I'm glad I read that !!!! dont need to kill the VTX before I even get the machine off the ground !!!!

I'm sure I will provide ample opportunities myself while learning to fly FPV !!!!!

I have also purchased Free Rider, I was able to configure (with the help of a couple you tube videos) the Taranis very easily, the Free Rider software installed with no issues on my laptop (Windows 8, 64 bit), I'm not sure what graphics card I have, but obviously the right one because it works fine.

I also was able to get the Fat Shark V3's to work with my laptop, All I had to change on the goggles was the input on the goggles, by depressing the (what I will call the multi purpose button on the top left of the goggles, by depressing this button, it toggles you between 2D or 3D mode (according to the manual) but in the case of my goggles, MDMI also shows up as an input option, (newer firmware ???) when this mode was chosen, the goggles displayed my desktop, and I just launched Free Rider from there and off to the races !!!!!

Now my next statement only pertains to MY style and experience flying 60 size RC helis and planes,

I found the Free Rider sim to have the same feel that I experienced back when I played around with the "TrueFlight" RC plane and heli simulater several years back (I had already learned to fly (back when there was no such thing as a computer sim !, I bought TrueFlight to help with learning new 3D tricks, A LOT more money up in the air with a 60 sized heli !!!!!!

Anyway, the feel , in my humble opinion, is very good, the only gripe I have is that the throttle response is not what I experience in the real world, with both my heli and the $100 quadcopter that I have been playing around with for the last several months, I know that a $100 quad does not have the "punch" of a true drone racer running 4S or even 3S battery packs, I guess my point is ( again only my opinion based on my experience) is thisL:L

If you get a good feel for what I will call a "touchy" throttle response on Free Rider, I think you will be pleasantly surprised when you begin to fly the real thing, at least that is my thought process so far, My Alien drone and all accessories should be here in a few days, I will provide updates on how the build process goes !
OK, so started building the other night, so far so good, the only hiccup is the camera that I received is a little different from what I thought I ordered, I thought I ordered an Foxeer HS1177, but what I must have ordered was a "Special Edition Run Cam Swift" not sure what the difference is beyond the mounting holes are different and the carbon plate requires some minor modification..........stay tuned..........

So I also have a question..................I have been spending about 20-30 minutes a night using Free-Rider, I have an HDMI cable from my laptop to the Dominator V3 goggles, I have gotten to the point where I can "fly" the sim very comfortably, I cant shoot the gates with any kind of speed, and I can only make 3 or 4 gates before I either go too fast or get to far from the "lane" where I cant recover..........................

That being said, I can, quite comfortably "fly" just above the gates at a much higher rate of speed and maintain control, both clockwise and counter clockwise......will this transition to the real thing ???????

Danny Z

Sounds like you're moving right along! Regarding your FPV Freerider question...best answer from my experience is..."kinda". Freerider helps me with the concepts and how to manuver but the speed, response and feel will be quite a bit different. I'm also more relaxed and less anxious using Freerider because I can crash all I want with no ill effect. For me it's been and continues to be a great tool but it just ain't the same as it is in the field! Sounds like you're doing much better with it then I am though. Must be your heli experience. Good luck!


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