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Help With Micro Lux + BLHeli Wiring


Well-Known Member
Mar 27, 2019
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Just got the combo stack Micro Lux plus BLHeli ESCs and it looks sweet. I am making a Gecko 3" and was hoping to run my wiring by you guys (some specific questions below the image) ...


1) I've heard that the Runcam Split Mini 2 can get starved on just 5V so I have it powering straight off the Lipo connection with the included Capacitor also connected. Is this fine?

2) I plan to use the Frsky R-XSR micro rx which has a tiny pad that outputs *univerted* Smart Port. Can I run that to Tx UART 6? What changes do I need to make in Betaflight?

3) I'd like to control the TBS Unify Nano via radio so I have its Smart Audio connected to RX UART 6. Is that right? What changes are needed in Betaflight?

4) If I wanted to control the Runcam Split via radio, can I run the TX and RX pads on its PDB to the TX UART 3 and RX UART 3 on the bottom side of the Micro Lux, respectively? Changes to Betaflight?

I am new to Betaflight (was out of the hobby since 2015) so any advice you can give would be very much appreciated. For instance, will the numbering of the UARTs in Betaflight correspond to the numbering on the FC? I think UART 1 is always designated as the Serial Rx?
Just got the combo stack Micro Lux plus BLHeli ESCs and it looks sweet. I am making a Gecko 3" and was hoping to run my wiring by you guys (some specific questions below the image) ...


1) I've heard that the Runcam Split Mini 2 can get starved on just 5V so I have it powering straight off the Lipo connection with the included Capacitor also connected. Is this fine?

Yes, you can power the Split directly from the lipo

2) I plan to use the Frsky R-XSR micro rx which has a tiny pad that outputs *univerted* Smart Port. Can I run that to Tx UART 6? What changes do I need to make in Betaflight?

Once you get the uninverted signal connected, you may need to experiment with turning "tlm_inverted" and "tlm_halfduplex" on or off in the CLI. I can't remember if I had to change either setting or not

3) I'd like to control the TBS Unify Nano via radio so I have its Smart Audio connected to RX UART 6. Is that right? What changes are needed in Betaflight?

You can't use the same UART for both RX and TX at the same time. Without anymore UART to use, you can convert one of them to a softserial.


4) If I wanted to control the Runcam Split via radio, can I run the TX and RX pads on its PDB to the TX UART 3 and RX UART 3 on the bottom side of the Micro Lux, respectively? Changes to Betaflight?

Not a problem. Just remember rx to tx/tx to rx. The Split has 3 controllable functions. For Betaflight, go to Ports tab and for UART 3 under Peripherals, enable Runcam Device. Then you'll have to set up 3 channels in your radio and go to modes tab in BF and assign the 3 functions to the switches on your radio.

I am new to Betaflight (was out of the hobby since 2015) so any advice you can give would be very much appreciated. For instance, will the numbering of the UARTs in Betaflight correspond to the numbering on the FC? I think UART 1 is always designated as the Serial Rx?

Correct. As long as you've flashed the correct firmware to your flight controller, the UART # shown in Betaflight will correspond with the UART # on your flight controller
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Thank you brother!

Yes I corrected the diagram for the overlapping uart. This whole uart thing is new to me. Simplifying a few things too like just going with XM+ (no s.port but cleaner integration with WhitenoiseFPV mounting board) and just tapping Unify vtx for uart (leaving the Runcam out).

Also stoked to have found a soft mounting ghetto hack for this Micro Lux stack. The FC is hard connected to the ESC PDB so soft mount between them is useless. So I'm soft mounting the entire friggin stack boom. Lol.
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Shoot I'm getting confused ... can I still make use of the TBS Unify's Smart Audio if my RX does not have Smart Port? Put another way, do I need Smart Port to use the Unify's Smart Audio? Or are those two completely separate things?

If they are separate, I'd intend to run the Smart Audio from the Unify to TX UART 3 on the underside of the FC. Kosher?
Yes, two totally separate things. Personally I don't use smart audio for any of my VTX's as I usually fly by myself and never have to change any settings. I just set my power to 200mW and leave it there
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Dude thank you very much for the feedback man. Me too but its for when I become like a racing pro and stuff. (LOL)
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Yea so I think I'm gonna hook up the cam too lol. I like to pour lemon juice on my paper cuts too.

If I were to do this, it would be TX on the Runcam PDB to TX UART 6 on the FC and same with the RX right? Then set UART6 in Baseflight to Runcam.

Thanks dude sorry for the badgering!

[edit] Got it - its TX to RX. ?
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