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Hidden Features - DJI Assistant 2 FPV - Stuck


New Member
Mar 24, 2022
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Hello guys,
I'm trying to enable hidden features inside the app.

I successfully enabled developer tools and debug mode.

Capture d’écran 2022-03-24 à 22.10.09.png

When I connect my FPV drone, nothing more than : Firmware, Log Exports and Calibration.
But, I've made a few research inside code. I finally inspected a javascript file named "wm170.js" and I found very interesting things, here's an extract :

dashboard: { "zh-cn": "概览", en: "Dashboard", jp: "ダッシュボード", it: "Dashboard", de: "Cockpit", es: "Tablero", fr: "Tableau de bord", nl: "Dashboard", pt: "Painel de instrumentos", ru: "Приборная панель" }, basicsetup: { "zh-cn": "基本设置", en: "Basic Settings", jp: "基本設定", ko: "기본 설정" }, fcsetup: { description: "//Flight Settings", "zh-cn": "飞行设置", en: "Flight Settings", jp: "フライト設定", it: "Impostazioni di volo", de: "Flugeinstellungen", es: "Ajustes de vuelo", fr: "Paramètres de vol", nl: "Vluchtinstellingen", pt: "Definições de voo", ru: "Летные настройки", }, ... Pitch: { "zh-cn": "俯仰", en: "Pitch", jp: "ピッチ", it: "Beccheggio", de: "Nicken", es: "Cabeceo", fr: "Angle vertical", nl: "Hellen", pt: "Passo", ru: "Тангаж" }, Roll: { "zh-cn": "横滚", en: "Roll", jp: "ロール", it: "Rollio", de: "Rollen", es: "Alabeo", fr: "Roulis", nl: "Rollen", pt: "Rotação", ru: "Крен" }, Yaw: { "zh-cn": "航向", en: "Yaw", jp: "ヨー", it: "Imbardata", de: "Gieren", es: "Guiñada", fr: "Lacet", nl: "Gieren", pt: "Guinada", ru: "Рыскание" }, Pan: { "zh-cn": "平移", en: "Pan", jp: "パン", it: "Rotazione orizzontale (pan)", de: "Horizontaler Schwenk", es: "Giro", fr: "Angle horizontal", nl: "Pannen", pt: "Oscilação", ru: "Поворот" }, Thru: { "zh-cn": "油门", en: "Throttle", jp: "スロットル", it: "Acceleratore", de: "Gas", es: "Acelerador", fr: "Manette des gaz", nl: "Gashendel", pt: "Acelerador", ru: "Тяга" }, CraftInfo: { "zh-cn": "飞行器信息", en: "Aircraft Information", jp: "機体情報", ko: "항공기 정보" }, ESCType: { "zh-cn": "类型", en: "Type", jp: "タイプ", ko: "종류" }, DJIESC: { "zh-cn": "DJI 智能电调", en: "DJI Intelligent ESC", jp: "DJI スマート ESC", ko: "DJI 인텔리전트 ESC" }, OtherESC: { "zh-cn": "其他电调", en: "Other ESC", jp: "その他のESC", ko: "그 외 ESC" }, Gear: { "zh-cn": "起落架", en: "Landing Gear", jp: "ギア", it: "Carrello di atterraggio", de: "Landegestell", es: "Tren de aterrizaje", fr: "Train d'atterrissage", nl: "Landingsgestel", pt: "Trem de aterragem", ru: "Шасси" }, up: { "zh-cn": "收起", en: "Up", jp: "上", it: "In alto", de: "Hoch", es: "Arriba", fr: "Haut", nl: "Omhoog", pt: "Para cima", ru: "Вверх" }, down: { "zh-cn": "放下", en: "Down", jp: "下", it: "In basso", de: "Herunter", es: "Abajo", fr: "Bas", nl: "Omlaag", pt: "Para baixo", ru: "Вниз" }, RCType: { "zh-cn": "类型", en: "Type", jp: "タイプ", ko: "종류" }, VPS: { "zh-cn": "VPS", en: "VPS", jp: "VPS", it: "VPS", de: "VPS", es: "VPS", fr: "VPS", nl: "VPS", pt: "Sist. posicionamento visual", ru: "VPS" }, AircraftType: { "zh-cn": "机架类型", en: "Airframe Type", jp: "機体タイプ", it: "Tipo di velivolo", de: "Flugrahmentyp", es: "Tipo de estructura de aeronave", fr: "Type de cellule", nl: "Cascotype", pt: "Tipo de célula", ru: "Тип корпуса летательного аппарата", },

It looks like it communicates with a Web Socket or something else ...
If you want to check the whole script, you can click here (and click on Javascript tab)

My knowledge ends here .. that's why I'm looking for someone to help me to enable hidden features !
Not sure what futures you are looking for but look at the DH website - their app lets you modify any drone parameter.
Not sure what futures you are looking for but look at the DH website - their app lets you modify any drone parameter.
I’ve checked what DH give access to.
I want to unlock parameters such as PID or something similar. My goal is to configure how the drone reacts
What DH shows you is everything that is configurable in the FC. None of DJI's flight controllers have ever exposed PIDs AFAIK, at most it was a single gain.
What DH shows you is everything that is configurable in the FC. None of DJI's flight controllers have ever exposed PIDs AFAIK, at most it was a single gain.

It seems DH isn't able to give access to those parameters.
If you have any link that gives more infos, I'm interested to read more about it.

I looked deeper into the app and I found those screenshots, I guess there's a way to display it into DJI Assistant...


Moreover I found those informations inside the code (wm170.js)

Capture d’écran 2022-03-28 à 21.54.10.png

It seems like there's option to modify rates or gain for yaw, pitch, roll (+esc calibration)
Those parameters can change how the drone reacts, isn't it ?

I'm still working on it so if you have any ideas, let me know!
There is, when you browse the full param list you'll find things like
etc that correspond to those.

(taken from mini2 but you get the idea)

Assistant was just changing those with a more "user-friendly" UI, but since adjusting FC settings hasn't been a user-accessible function of it for years on consumer models it hasn't been maintained and a lot of stuff would likely be missing by now as parameters got added, removed, their names changed etc. not to mention that the UI only ever exposed a fraction of them.

We used to use Assistant in debug mode back in the M1 days as that enabled a tab with the full param list, but now DH gives the same in a more convenient way and with no connection to DJI servers.
Last edited:
Hello guys,
I'm trying to enable hidden features inside the app.

I successfully enabled developer tools and debug mode.

View attachment 5780

When I connect my FPV drone, nothing more than : Firmware, Log Exports and Calibration.
But, I've made a few research inside code. I finally inspected a javascript file named "wm170.js" and I found very interesting things, here's an extract :

dashboard: { "zh-cn": "概览", en: "Dashboard", jp: "ダッシュボード", it: "Dashboard", de: "Cockpit", es: "Tablero", fr: "Tableau de bord", nl: "Dashboard", pt: "Painel de instrumentos", ru: "Приборная панель" },
basicsetup: { "zh-cn": "基本设置", en: "Basic Settings", jp: "基本設定", ko: "기본 설정" },
fcsetup: {
description: "//Flight Settings",
"zh-cn": "飞行设置",
en: "Flight Settings",
jp: "フライト設定",
it: "Impostazioni di volo",
de: "Flugeinstellungen",
es: "Ajustes de vuelo",
fr: "Paramètres de vol",
nl: "Vluchtinstellingen",
pt: "Definições de voo",
ru: "Летные настройки",
Pitch: { "zh-cn": "俯仰", en: "Pitch", jp: "ピッチ", it: "Beccheggio", de: "Nicken", es: "Cabeceo", fr: "Angle vertical", nl: "Hellen", pt: "Passo", ru: "Тангаж" },
Roll: { "zh-cn": "横滚", en: "Roll", jp: "ロール", it: "Rollio", de: "Rollen", es: "Alabeo", fr: "Roulis", nl: "Rollen", pt: "Rotação", ru: "Крен" },
Yaw: { "zh-cn": "航向", en: "Yaw", jp: "ヨー", it: "Imbardata", de: "Gieren", es: "Guiñada", fr: "Lacet", nl: "Gieren", pt: "Guinada", ru: "Рыскание" },
Pan: { "zh-cn": "平移", en: "Pan", jp: "パン", it: "Rotazione orizzontale (pan)", de: "Horizontaler Schwenk", es: "Giro", fr: "Angle horizontal", nl: "Pannen", pt: "Oscilação", ru: "Поворот" },
Thru: { "zh-cn": "油门", en: "Throttle", jp: "スロットル", it: "Acceleratore", de: "Gas", es: "Acelerador", fr: "Manette des gaz", nl: "Gashendel", pt: "Acelerador", ru: "Тяга" },
CraftInfo: { "zh-cn": "飞行器信息", en: "Aircraft Information", jp: "機体情報", ko: "항공기 정보" },
ESCType: { "zh-cn": "类型", en: "Type", jp: "タイプ", ko: "종류" },
DJIESC: { "zh-cn": "DJI 智能电调", en: "DJI Intelligent ESC", jp: "DJI スマート ESC", ko: "DJI 인텔리전트 ESC" },
OtherESC: { "zh-cn": "其他电调", en: "Other ESC", jp: "その他のESC", ko: "그 외 ESC" },
Gear: { "zh-cn": "起落架", en: "Landing Gear", jp: "ギア", it: "Carrello di atterraggio", de: "Landegestell", es: "Tren de aterrizaje", fr: "Train d'atterrissage", nl: "Landingsgestel", pt: "Trem de aterragem", ru: "Шасси" },
up: { "zh-cn": "收起", en: "Up", jp: "上", it: "In alto", de: "Hoch", es: "Arriba", fr: "Haut", nl: "Omhoog", pt: "Para cima", ru: "Вверх" },
down: { "zh-cn": "放下", en: "Down", jp: "下", it: "In basso", de: "Herunter", es: "Abajo", fr: "Bas", nl: "Omlaag", pt: "Para baixo", ru: "Вниз" },
RCType: { "zh-cn": "类型", en: "Type", jp: "タイプ", ko: "종류" },
VPS: { "zh-cn": "VPS", en: "VPS", jp: "VPS", it: "VPS", de: "VPS", es: "VPS", fr: "VPS", nl: "VPS", pt: "Sist. posicionamento visual", ru: "VPS" },
AircraftType: {
"zh-cn": "机架类型",
en: "Airframe Type",
jp: "機体タイプ",
it: "Tipo di velivolo",
de: "Flugrahmentyp",
es: "Tipo de estructura de aeronave",
fr: "Type de cellule",
nl: "Cascotype",
pt: "Tipo de célula",
ru: "Тип корпуса летательного аппарата",

It looks like it communicates with a Web Socket or something else ...
If you want to check the whole script, you can click here (and click on Javascript tab)

My knowledge ends here .. that's why I'm looking for someone to help me to enable hidden features !
After years of research, can you share a simple way for everyone to know? If possible, make a short video for everyone to build together. Okay?

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