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how to adjust low battery auto land threshold?


May 7, 2022
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flying in normal mode around outside of the house, at about 50 feet, just above the house inspecting roof, 10% battery left, all of a sudden it warns that it's going into auto land mode in 8 seconds. I immediately point the camera down to find a safe spot to land, position it above the driveway but instead of landing, it starts flying very low over the roof into the back yard and stops in same spot above where it took off. I land it safely. With 10% battery left I could have been flying for another 2 minutes at this cruising speed and brought it back myself. is there a way to decrease the auto land to let's say 5% battery left? is there a way to cancel autoland during the process? I have DroneHacks on it and wont' do any updates. Thx.
- You don't say what drone you're talking about
- You don't want to drain batteries below 15-20% or so for longevity anyway, autoland is a "last resort" and you typically want to be on the ground way before it kicks in
- On most models you can keep it up simply by holding the throttle stick higher.
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oops, thought this was the DJI FPV forum. Battery is good for only 15 minutes or less, if it's at 10%, I'm bringing it back, but I don't want it to autoland God knows where. any way to adjust the autoland to let's say 5%? I don't fly high or far with this thing, there's plenty of time to land it manually. thanks.
Nope, you can adjust the warnings but the autoland is the hardcoded last resort. You should always be down before that. Percentage can't be trusted that much, at 5% you might lose power completely if the battery gets a bit out of calibration, and you'll also shorten its lifespan.
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