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How to Connect FPV camera to flight controller


Jul 23, 2018
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I've been looking at building my first quad a FPV mini one. Been looking to build from the q100 kingkong frame found everything else seems straight forward but I'm confused to to connect the camera to the flight controller. I plan to use

Eachine 32bits F3 Brushed Flight Control Board Based On SP RACING F3 EVO For Micro FPV Frame

And FPV camera
Kingkong Q25-Mini 5.8G 25MW 16CH VTX 600TVL CMOS 1/4 Micro FPV Camera

Both from Banggood any idea if these would work together and were I would solder these on the flight controller ?

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It doesn't get connected to your flight controller. It's an AIO camera/transmitter, you just need to connect it to a 5V power source and it'll transmit the image to your goggles
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Yes you can, but you need to look up how many mah's the 5v pins are putting out and how many the camera is going to draw. Keep in mind your flight controller is also going to be powering your receiver so if you're drawing more power than your flight controller can handle, "brown outs" may occur. Don't want your bird fallaing out of the sky!
Ok so I feel I'm getting it now. So I can add camera to 5v but if camera is 200mah, the motors are 250mah and reciever is 40ma need to make sure the flight controller can take the power of 490 mAh, I looked on the flight controller description and didn't find a max voltage. Where would I find that? Also thanks for your help, I appreciate it :)
Most likely 1s but depends what would you recommend, just read brushless moters are better what you reccomend
This is a brushed board, brushless motors are a whole different ballgame. Also, it's only rated for 1S in which case you can wire your camera directly to the battery, no need to connect it to the flight controller. 1S lipo is 4.2 volts fully charged and camera is rated for 5 volts max
All i want is an acrro micro drone to practice flying acro fpv i found this build online on banggood i dont know if you know one i could use i got dji spark, eachine wizard 220s wanted to build my own, a build guide would be awsome

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