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I’m looking to buy an Arris X220 V2

If you stick with that transmitter you will need to add a receiver to it. Same as Randy I'm not up with spectrum.
You will most likely need to solder in the receiver and then set up your transmitter (assign switches etc).
Then bind quad to transmitter then set up quad in betaflight.
A bit daunting at first and unfortunately I don't think many on here will be much help as like Randy said we are frsky.
I would try and sell the spectrum tx and buy frsky.
Just another option to look into mate.
Randy would be able to let you know a bit more about this being a good option or not but it ihas all you need to fly, apart from goggles.
More than you want to spend but if you could sell your spectrum tx then it may help.

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Update,... I am very hesitant to program and I couldn’t find a rtf version and I Won’t be able to sell my DX6 because it has all of my fixed wing airplanes set up in it so is there any other quad out there that’s almost as good??
out of all these quads you’re sure that the Diatone GTR M568 Anniversary 6S is the quad for me. I want to make sure that I get the right one.

Simple answer... no, I'm not sure! There are easy 300 different 5" quads out there, to say this one is "for you" is something I cannot say. Let me elaborate.

You say you have some previous FPV experience, I can't quantify what that means. Would you be better off with a TANK that you MAY (or may not) break less? Or are you a good enough pilot that you can get something HOT but not quite as sturdy, because you won't be crashing badly (after all, your not a newbie you said, even though you are not sure of what quad, what receiver, will your goggles even work with the quad, etc), so it is a bit tough to say not knowing your skill level at all, or what your are looking for EXACTLY.

If you buy the Arris, it won't be your last one, and if you buy the GTRM568 (5s or 6s with lower kv motors) or the GTRM548 (4s max with higher kv motors), it STILL won't be your last one. No matter how you go, it won't be your last one.

No matter what you get, it is likely it will be broken quickly from a crash, and you will need to buy parts and repair it, that will take time and money, so maybe you understand why we all have more than 1 quad. If one gets broken, we fly another until we can get parts and make the repairs and she tests good to go again.

When you look at the hottest quads out there within a budget... Diatone is hard to beat by anybody in the marketplace, not every single model they make, but most of them are stellar for the money.

If you do get the Arris, buy this one if RTF, at least that way you get a Taranis for your $300.

If you want to spend $300-$550 for the quad alone, there are many choices, but you want to get the real deal without spending too much, after all, you will want more quads in the long run.

So answer some deep questions about

ARE YOU SURE that a 5" is what you want? Or might a 3" or 4" make more sense (a little lighter, so a LITTLE less chance of breaking)
Freestyle only, or might you race some?
Good enough pilot not to crash much/badly, or probably need something more sturdy?
What battery do you plan to run 4s, or 5s and 6s?
Can you solder? Because soldering, and having and knowing how to use a voltmeter, are a MUST in this hobby. You will likely need a heat gun in the long run too.
Do you already have a decent battery charger that will charge up to 6s packs?

The list could go on and on, but this is enough to get you thinking about what is involved in "making a decision" about what to get and what is right for you.

I started with 3 PNP Eachine Wizard X220, and I still fly them from time to time, they are a good starter quad when you just want to get in as cheap as possible, before you realize that as "cheap as possible" is not necessarily the best way to go. The Wizards have terrible ESC's and I had to replace them all over time as they blew up. But I already got a Taranis and the Wizard X220 was a great way to get into the hobby for cheap since all 3 ready to rock and roll only cost me $315. Read what JB has to say on his web page, see that the Wizard and the Arris are the bare minimum, then compare to the price of the "next step up", Oblivion or Kopis. These are for RTF's but the basics apply, though I would get a PNP and a Taranis so that I never HAD to buy another TX again, the Taranis is THE industry standard with 80% of the world market.

Let me know what you think and I will do my best to point you in the best direction.


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I am very hesitant to program and I couldn’t find a rtf version and I Won’t be able to sell my DX6 because it has all of my fixed wing airplanes set up in it so is there any other quad out there that’s almost as good??

Like I said, there is a ton, some may even have a Spektrum BNF option so you can get to flying more quickly.
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If your a good pilot, this could be an option once it is back in stock. It has a DSMX receiver protocol option, that so very few do.

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I know it's bg but this could be a good starter too.

Love my 3" birds.

[AU$214.88]SKYSTARS Ratel 140X 2-4S FPV Racing Drone PNP/BNF Integrated Type F4 8K OSD Runcam Nano 2 VTX 200mW SmartAudio RC Drones from Toys Hobbies and Robot on banggood.com

You know what, the Skystars are new-ish on the scene, and they only have a few offerings, but they are getting halfway decent reviews. That durned G730L with GPS running iNav sure has got my attention! The reviews were pretty good and it would be cool to play with GPS functionality and learn iNAV.

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This is what I have been flying with it is a rtf pack but I put different props and different goggles of course and I definitely want more power I would definitely like to have something bigger than a micro racer but definitely smaller than a 7 inch and I am a good enough pilot to handle a 100 mph quad I will be primarily doing freestyle but I might race a couple times but way more freestyle. I would like to have substantial video range. I can solder good enough to swap the battery connector but I wouldn’t trust my quad to my soldering yet. I have never used beta flight. I want to be able to take a minor crash with out having to do much more than swap props/frame/antenna. I don’t necessarily want to go the cheapest way out but I don’t need the best quad in the world. I think I like the XILO Phreak that HighTechPauper posted. I hope this was helpful.
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@Fastracer, I started with the Vusion 250 also about 3 years ago, this will be a real leap in capability, the power difference will be incredible. You should be able to find some videos showing you how to setup Betaflight and get things working, if we can help let us know. I wouldn't go higher than 5s batteries in the 1000-1500 (max) mah range.
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Thank you so much guys for all of your help I really appreciate it and I can’t wait to get the quad in the air.
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