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I bought a hot glue gun and for what can I use it now?


Active Member
Jun 15, 2020
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I just picked up a hot glue gun since it was a bargain.

I'm into FPV for a year now, I I never really needed a hot glue gun but I thought somehow it was part of the fpv workbench equipment. I remember JB using this tool while making a smokestopper but I made it back then without the glue gun.:D
So, besides glueing a broken frame or broken ducts (while waiting for a spare part), or making a smoke stopper, are there any other fpv issues that I can solve with this tool?

Hi, you can always use it to spot glue any plugs on your flight controller or cameras in case of disconnection.Or as I just saw on the XT60 solder connection on the PDB board ? ,for water protection.
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I’ve always kept a hot glue gun and use it for way more stuff than
working on drones.
Hey if I get bored I’ll even heat it up and get a spot on my finger to get some exercise running around the house cussing ?
I throw a bead across the wires that go into the plugs on my stack for strain relief. I also put a dab on the antenna to receiver connection. I have no idea if it's functional but it sure makes me feel better.
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Yes sir, I glue right where the wires are inserted into the connector.
ah ok, now I see it! Very convenient when you have been messing around with those wires!;)
I'll give it a try next time.

thank for all answers!
I use mine to reinforce pin headers so they don't break in a crash so easily and fill those pesky empty plugs on the FC's to help keep snow out of them
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I throw a bead across the wires that go into the plugs on my stack for strain relief. I also put a dab on the antenna to receiver connection. I have no idea if it's functional but it sure makes me feel better.
This. Again, this. For a third time, THIS!!!!!

Also, use it to tack down wires for routing management. Just a few little dabs along the way, best in strategic spots. Easily removable when necessary.

Lock in adjustable components (potentiometers, switches, etc.). There's better stuff for this, but glue gun glue works fine, and again, easily removable. Good for screw tension adjustments.

Generously glue your VTX antenna in the holder. Won't totally prevent it from popping out in a crash, but will make it a lot tougher from coming out in those minor bonks. (I just discovered this use).
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ok, but I like to assemble and disassemble my drone now and then. Won't I have a hard time with all this glue?

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