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Lift off FLight settings to DJI FPV Gain and expo settings


New Member
Sep 4, 2021
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Hi Newbee here . I have recently acquire a DJI FPV combo and I have been practicing with the LIFT OFF SIMULATOR for 40 + hours now and I want my Lift Off settings transferred to the DJI FPV combo How can I do this please help thank you




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I have found liftoff to emulate the DJI with a few presets on the Steam workshop, or you can try Uncrashed a new simulator that makes it even easier to emulate the FPV feel of DJI
I wanted to do the same thing and this is how I did it.

Use this rates converter calculator : Desmos | Calculatrice graphique

How it works :
- Enter in the graph your "Betaflight" rates to visualize your curves
- Play with the "Actual" rates values to approximate and overlay with the Betaflight curves (there can be very slight differences because it's not possible to have the very same curves)
- Get the final Actual rates values and use them in your DJI FPV controller settings.
- Repeat the process for pitch, yaw, roll

Note that in liftoff (latest versions) (or in some others simulators) you can switch the rates type to "Actual" instead of "Betaflight", to directly use the same settings type. DJI FPV use the Actual rates model.

for example According your screenshot I found this rates for the roll :
- center sensitivity : 140
- max rates : 770
- expo : 0.73

I would be curious if you make this test to have your opinion to know if with these settings the behavior of the real drone in flight match to your feelings in the simulator.
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Too bad you can't go into the LiftOff Workshop on Steam and download the DJI FPV (in performance) to your game...

Oh wait...
you're right the DJI FPV model in the Liftoff workshop is nice and well tuned with default dji rates. I even find that the behavior in simulator is quite close to the real drone in flight.

Idea here was more how to convert some custom betaflight rates into the real dji drone. And you can reuse the converter process for others simulators that don't have workshop or shared presets.

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